

单词 philopatric
释义 philopatric, a. Biol.|fɪləʊˈpætrɪk|
[f. philo- + Gr. πάτρᾱ fatherland, after allopatric a.: cf. G. ortstreu adj., Ortstreue n. (f. Ort place, locality + treu loyal, faithful, Treue loyalty, faithfulness) (see quots.).]
Of an animal or species: tending to return to or remain near a particular site, esp. the birthplace.
1942E. Mayr Systematics & Origin of Species viii. 195 If we base our considerations on the cruising radius of the individual, we come to different conclusions. We find that such genetically fixed races occur only in very sedentary or at least ‘ortstreue’ (philopatric) species.1951Ecology XXXII. 353/1 It is quite common among birds, according to von Haartman, for the females to be somewhat less philopatric than the males, but only in the prothonotary warbler is the difference known to be as great as in the pied flycatcher.1969M. D. F. Udvardy Dynamic Zoogeogr. ii. 66 Many [adult female pied flycatchers] turned out to be of the nomadizing type, choosing a new locale each spring; others were more philopatric, and remained faithful to their first choice of domicile year after year.1979Jrnl. Lepidopterists' Soc. XXXIII. 29 L[ethe] eurydice is philopatric and local in wet meadows; demographic data are easily obtained for this sedentary species.1982Behavioral Ecol. & Sociobiol. X. 277/1 Male birds tend to be more faithful to a breeding area and more natally philopatric than females.
Also ˈphilopatry n., philopatric behaviour, esp. a tendency to return to the birthplace to breed (sometimes called natal philopatry); the extent to which an animal or species shows this behaviour.
1951C. E. Huntington in Ecology XXXII. 352/1 Ortstreue is the tendency of an animal to return to its birthplace or breeding place, particularly for breeding. The word ‘philopatry’ will be used as its English equivalent in this review.1963E. Mayr Animal Species & Evolution xiv. 416 Sedentary habits, territory occupancy, and philopatry (aided by homing ability) tend to reduce the amount of random dispersal.1977J. A. Endlor Geogr. Variation ii. 28 Birthplace philopatry is common.1982Behavioral Ecol. & Sociobiol. X. 278/2 Natal philopatry of long-billed curlews appears significantly male biased.1987Nature 17 Sept. 241/1 Male ospreys show high degrees of natal philopatry, and males at a colony may consequently be close genetic relatives.




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