

单词 scomfit
释义 I. ˈscomfit, n. Obs.
Forms: 4 scoumfyt, sconfit, scumfite, 4–5 scom-, skomfite, 6 skumfite.
[f. scomfit v.; cf. discomfit n.]
Defeat, discomfiture.
13..K. Alis. 959 Ac the scoumfyt, and the damage, Feol on heom of Cartage.c1320Beues 890 Iosian lai in a castel & seȝ þat sconfit euerich del.c1330Arth. & Merl. 6445 (Kölbing) After þis bataile & scumfite.1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 129 How youre Same graunde Syre wyth few Pepill Arthure Macmurgho wyth myche pepill to scomfite sette.1540St. Papers Hen. VIII, III. 173 At the skumfite gyven upon ONeyle and ODonell at the laste insurreccion.
II. ˈscomfit, v. Obs.
Forms: 4 scum-, scoom-, scoum-, scounfit(e, -fyt, -phit, -fithe, 4–5 skom-, sconfit(e, -fyt, 4–6 scomfit(e, -fyt(e, 5 -fet(t, scum-, scowmfet(e, skunfit, schomfyt. pa. tense and pa. pple. 4 scumfyghte, scoum-, skoumfit, -fyt, 4–5 scum-, skomfit(e, -fyt(e, -fet, 5 sckonfet, scoumfyght, (scomfede, -fide), 4–6 scomfyt(e; also regularly scomfited, etc.
[Shortened f. discomfit v.]
trans. To defeat, vanquish, discomfit.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 4980 Þe folk of Isrel had þoght, and syghte, For þey were twyys scumfyghte.13..Coer de L. 3777 Yiff he scounfithe us in bekyr.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 2269 And when þe devel herd hym þus say, Alle skomfit he vanyst oway.13..Cursor M. 7799 (Gött.) Þai er scumphited wid þair fas.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 147 By þat þei wan þo world and scounfitiden þo fende.c1420Chron. Vilod. 3440 He..scomfede his enmyes & droff hem ouȝt.1435Misyn Fire of Love 39 All þinge he scumfetis, all þinge he ouercomys.c1440Generydes 570 So rebukyd and skomfite as he was.c1470in Three 15th Cent. Chron. (Camden) 20 Kynge Edward was scomfide and put to flight.1503Hawes Examp. Virt. xii. 214 Whan I had scomfyte this serpent venymous.Ibid. 226 How..Haue ye scomfyted..The..dragon.a1513Fabyan's Chron. vii. 324, & gaue to hym batayll, & scoumfyght hym at lengthe.1530Palsgr. 706/1, I scomfyte, or I overcome, je vayncs... He hath scomfyt all his ennemyes.
Hence scomfit ppl. a. (in quot. absol.), scomfiting vbl. n.
c1333in Minot's Poems (ed. Hall) App. i. 26 So þere itte was welle semyng, Þatte with multitude is no scomfiting.c1450Lovelich Grail lii. 738 For it is A ful gret Merveyl to Me, the Conqwerour to þe scomfyt ȝolden to be.1483Cath. Angl. 323/2 A scomfetynge, superacio, triumphus.




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