

单词 pursiness
释义 pursiness|ˈpɜːsɪnɪs|
[f. pursy a.1 + -ness.]
The state or condition of being pursy; short-windedness, breathlessness, dyspnœa.
14..Nominale in Wr.-Wülcker 708/37 (Nomina morborum) Hec sinax, -cis, pursenes.1483Cath. Angl. 294/2 A Pursynes, cardia, cardiaca.1562Turner Herbal ii. 123 Rue..is good..agaynst pursines & shortnes of breath.1611Cotgr., Pousse, short wind, pursinesse.1681Worlidge Dict. Rusticum (1726) s.v., This Pursiness or shortness of Breath in Sheep is cur'd by cutting their Ears and changing their Pasture.1834Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 464 Corpulent dyspnœa. Pursiness.
b. Flatulence; internal stuffiness. Obs.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 649 [It] doth help the shortnesse of the breath, and ease the pursines of the stomacke.1607Markham Caval. iii. (1617) 20 As he is outwardly full of vnsound fatness, so hee is inwardly stuft with much glut and pursines.




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