

单词 scurrility
释义 scurrility|skəˈrɪlɪtɪ|
Forms: α. 6 scurrilite, -illitie, skurrillity, 6–7 scur(r)ilitie, scurrillity, 7– scurrility; β. 6–7 squirilitie, 6 squirrilitie, 7 -ility.
[a. F. scurrilité (15th c.), or ad. L. scurrīlitās, f. scurrīlis: see scurrile a. and -ity.]
The quality of being scurrilous; buffoon-like jocularity; coarseness or indecency of language, esp. in invective and jesting.
α1508Dunbar Flyting 58 Scarth fra scorpione, scaldit in scurrilitie.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 90 b, Scurrilite or spekynge of fylthy wordes.1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. i. 4 Your reasons at dinner haue beene..pleasant without scurrillity.1654Gataker Disc. Apol. 3, I list not to contend with him in scurrilitie and bad language.1759Symmer in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. IV. 414 The hawkers..every day have some new piece of scurrility against him, to bawl about the streets.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. v. I. 650 He was, as usual, interrupted in his defence by ribaldry and scurrility from the judgment seat.1874Green Short Hist. vii. §1. 346 The Sacrament of the Mass..was attacked with a scurrility and profaneness, which passes belief.
βa1566R. Edwards Damon & Pithias (1908) B j b, I came not yet to be the Kinges foole, Or to fill his eares with seruile squirilitie.1577Stanyhurst Descr. Irel. ii. 6 b in Holinshed, The heathen misliked in an orature squirilitie.1607Dekker & Webster Westw. Hoe ii. i. B 4 b, So long as your mirth bee voyde of all Squirrility.
b. Something scurrilous.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie i. xxxi. (Arb.) 76 Such among the Greekes were called Pantomimi, with vs Buffons, altogether applying their wits to Scurrillities & other ridiculous matters.1733Pope Dunc. ii. 299 note, Concanen..was author of several dull and dead scurrilities in the British and London Journals.1830D'Israeli Chas. I, III. xi. 244 Who could have imagined that the writers of these scurrilities were scholars.
c. Buffoon-like behaviour. Obs.
1614J. Norden Labyrinth Mans Life L 4, Heroicke acts, that make men honorable, Are only sweet and most inestimable; The rest are false, found mere scurrilitie, By which some loose, both fame and dignitie.1624Heywood Gunaik. i. 24 We may as well say, Cats, Goates and Apes, are by chance given to voracitie, lust, and squirilitie.
Hence scuˈrrilitiship nonce-wd., ? the state of persons who indulge in scurrility.
1592Nashe Strange Newes G 2 b, Maister Bird shall..meeter it mischieuously in maintenance of their scurrilitiship and ruditie.




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