

单词 cafard
释义 cafard
Also cafart, caffard.
[F. cafard, caphard, of doubtful origin: some have proposed to identify it with Cat. cafre infidel, Sp., Pg. cafre cruel, which are app. ad. Arab. kāfir: see caffre.]
1. A hypocrite, an impostor. Obs.
1539St. Papers Hen. VIII, I. 593 We commoned of the cafart, Cornibus, that slaunderose frere.1653Urquhart Rabelais i. xlv, So did a certain Cafard or dissembling religionaire preach at Sinay, that, etc.Ibid. i. liv, Slipshod caffards, beggars pretending wants.
2. Melancholia; depression; ‘the blues’.
1924P. C. Wren Beau Geste i. i. 14, I see my handful of cafard-stricken men in my mud fort.1926Gould Med. Dict. (ed. 8) 261/2 Cafard, a subacute melancholia, characterized by attacks of the ‘blues’..; observed in soldiers.1949Times Lit. Suppl. 23 Sept., Don Juan was stricken with the superb cafard of the Romantics.1951W. Sansom Face of Innoc. ix. 131 The itch of over-eating and the cafard that too much pernod leaves behind.




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