

单词 sheep's head
释义 sheep's head
Also Sc. sheep-head.
[Cf. Du. schaapshoofd, G. schafshaupt, also WFris. skieppekop, LG. schaapskopp, Du. schaapskop, G. schafskopf = simpleton.]
1. The head of a sheep; the dish consisting of this.
1542Boorde Dyetary v. (1870) 240 Nowe to sende for breade, and by-and-by to sende for a shepes-heade.a1550Freiris Berwik 260 in Dunbar's Poems 294 Sowsit nolt fute, and scheipheid.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. 18 July Let. i. (1815) 257 The servants had been informed..that there was nothing to eat in Scotland but oatmeal and sheep's-heads.c1790Burns Ep. Col. De Peyster 38 Like a sheep-head on a tangs.1840Thackeray Barber Cox Apr., I was..set, as is the custom in our trade, to practise on a sheep's-head..before I was allowed to venture on the human countenance.
attrib.1737Ochtertyre House Bk. (S.H.S.) 102 Sheephead broth.1817Lintoun Green ix. viii, He'd singed the sheep's heads to the fell, Tæ mak' the sheep-head kale.1827Scott Surg. Dau. v, Sheep-head broth and haggis.1884St. James's Gaz. 26 Jan. 5/1 Sheep's-head-pie..and other substantial Scotch dishes.
2. a. A fool, simpleton. Also as adj., stupid.
1542[see sheep n. 5].1605Chapman All Fools ii. i, Kisse her you sheepes-head.1624Gee Foot out of Snare App. 108, I suppose..[he] hath better deuices then this simple sheepes⁓head inuention.1780Mirror No. 98 What a powdered sheep's-head have we got here?1878J. Payne tr. Villon's Poems (1881) 74 My poor orphans..Are grown in age, and wit likewise. No sheepsheads are they.
b. Cards. A simple form of skat.
1886E. E. Lemcke Skat 4 Skat is of quite recent origin... It bears a great resemblance to the Wendish game of ‘Schafskopf’ (Sheepshead) and ‘Dreiben’ (three legs).1913Off. Rules Card Games (U.S. Playing Card Co.) (ed. 17) 205 Schafkopf..(Sheepshead)... Object of the Game—To win in tricks certain cards of counting value as follows: A's, 11, 10, K's 4, Q's 3, and J's 2.1939C. Isherwood Goodbye to Berlin 186 A group of youths..were playing Sheep's Head.1951F. Brown Murder can be Fun iv. 57, I knew he played schaffskopf—sheepshead... It's a three-handed game.1976National Skat & Sheepshead Q. Dec. 21 Fred Suter always wanted to prove that Sheepshead players will back a Classic Tournament.
3. A large and much esteemed food fish, Archosargus or Diplodus probatocephalus (Sargus ovis), abundant on the coasts of the United States. Also applied to similar fishes in N. America, esp. the marine Archosargus rhomboidalis of Florida and the fresh-water drumfish, Aplodinatus grunniens.
So called from a supposed resemblance of the head to a sheep's.
1676Phil. Trans. XI. 624 In the Rivers are great plenty and variety of delicate Fish; one kind whereof is by the English called a Sheepshead.1796T. Twining Trav. Amer. (1894) 156 The Americans..have given the appellation of sheepshead to the most esteemed fish of their coast.1836J. Richardson Fauna Bor.-Amer. iii. 65 Sciæna (Corvina) Richardsonii. The Malasheganè inhabits Lake Huron... It is called ‘Sheep's-head’ by the Anglo-Canadians.1885Harper's Mag. Jan. 220/2 The sheep's-head and channel bass abounded.1888[see porgy].1897Outing XXX. 435/2 The ‘sheeps⁓head’ (freshwater drum), a good-looking, silvery fish.1924J. O. La Gorce Bk. Fishes 71/2 The Sheepshead belongs to the Porgy family.1962K. F. Lagler et al. Ichthyol. v. 147 In some fishes such as the sheepshead and the sea bream (Archosargus) they [sc. the cutting teeth] look almost human.1979South Padre Parade (South Padre Island, Texas) Dec. 6/3 These visiting fishermen caught their limit while fishing locally for speckled trout and sheepshead.
4. Short for sheep's-head clock.
1887N. & Q. Ser. vii. III. 285 The square-faced [clocks] were ‘sheep's head’, and the round-faced ‘wag o' th' wall’.
5. Comb., as sheep's-head clock, a clock having the works exposed to view; sheep's-head fish = 3; sheep's-head gull, the great tern; sheep's-head porgy (see porgy); sheephead sword, a basket-hilted sword; so sheep-head hilt.
1872Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. 9/1 An old Dutch clock, of the kind known as a ‘*Sheep's-head’ clock.
1846Owen Lect. Anat. Vertebrate Anim. i. Fishes 220 The *Sheep's⁓head Fish (Sargus).
1808–13A. Wilson & Bonaparte Amer. Ornith. (1831) III. 153 The..great tern..by many..is called the *sheep's-head gull.
1707W. Hope Fencing v. 158 [Swords] with good, closs, or as they are more commonly termed by the Vulgar, Shell or *Sheep-head Hilts.
1817Lintoun Green 12 A *sheephead sword.
Hence ˈsheepshead v., U.S. to fish for sheeps-head; sheepsˈheadism nonce-wd., the practice of eating sheep's-head.
1841Thackeray in Fraser's Mag. XXIII. 711 Cannibalism in the South Seas, and sheepsheadism in Scotland.




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