

单词 quietus
释义 quietus|kwaɪˈiːtəs|
[Short for next.]
1. A discharge or acquittance given on payment of sums due, or clearing of accounts; a receipt.
1540Act 32 Hen. VIII (Pardon), Such issues fines or amerciaments..and haue his or their Quietus for the same.1623Webster Duch. Malfi iii. ii, You had the tricke in Audit time to be sicke, Till I had sign'd your Quietus.1688Evelyn Diary 15 Mar., I gave in my account about the Sick and Wounded, in order to have my quietus.1780Burke Sp. Econ. Reform Wks. 1826 III. 297 A final acquittance, (or a quietus, as they term it) is scarcely ever to be obtained [from the exchequer].188748th Dep. Keeper's Rep. 628 The several Books..being preserved, and..the satisfaction or quietus being therein entered.
2. A discharge from office or duty. Obs.
c1670Wood Life an. 1650–1, 16 Jan. (O.H.S.) I. 166 Had A. W. continued postmaster a little longer, he had, without doubt, received his quietus.1687Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) I. 401 Sir Francis Withens, a judge of the Kings bench, hath his quietus.a1711Ken Hymnotheo Poet. Wks. 1721 III. 155 The Guardian to relieve, Who his Quietus shall in Heav'n receive.1788Walpole Letters (1902) 104 A Veteran Author ought to take out his quietus as much as the Superannuated of any other Profession.
3. Discharge or release from life; death, or that which brings death.
1602Shakes. Ham. iii. i. 75 When he himselfe might his quietus make With a bare bodkin.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 639 Some obtain their quietus without any signs of pain at all.1775Sheridan Rivals v. iii, If an unlucky bullet should carry a quietus with it.a1839Praed Poems (1864) II. 65 Sought his quietus in a duel.1872Baker Nile Tribut. v. 65 This shot, far from producing a quietus, gave rise to a series of convulsive struggles.
b. Final settlement or extinction.
1806–7Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (ed. 5) I. 233 We have now, I think, given a quietus to the parlour.1885Clodd Myths & Dr. i. iv. 73 This law gave the quietus to theories of common origin.
4. (By assoc. with quiet.) Something which quiets or represses.
1824S. E. Ferrier Inher. xxxii, This disaster..had the effect of a quietus upon Miss P. for some time.1855Thackeray Newcomes II. 304 The nurse ran to give its accustomed quietus to the little screaming infant.
Hence quietus v. trans., to discharge. Obs.
1688in Ellis Corr. II. 22 The other Powell and Holloway, who are quietus'd.




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