

单词 spattle
释义 I. spattle, n.1 Obs. exc. dial.|ˈspæt(ə)l|
Forms: α. 1 spatl (spadl, spaðl), 3 spatel, 5 -ell, -ill, -ylle, 6 -ele, -yll, spattyl (Sc. -ill); 6 spatle, 6–7, 9 dial., spattle. β. 3–4 spotle, 3, 9 dial., spottle; 4 spotel(e, 4–5 -il, 5 -ell, -yl(l.
[OE. spátl (spádl, also spáld spold), f. *spát-, stem of spǽtan to spit. Cf. MLG. spêdel, OFris. spêdel, spêdla.]
αc897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. xxxvi. 261 Se ilca..se na ne forbeaᵹ mid his nebbe ðara triowleasena monna spatl, ðonne hie him on ðæt nebb spætton.c950Lindisf. Gosp. John ix. 6 [He] uorhte lam of ðæm spadle & ahof þæt lam ofer eᵹo his.c975Rushw. Gosp. Matt. xxvii. 30 Spittende on him heor spaðl.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 226 Ᵹif þonne ᵹit sio adl eᵹle, do spatl to.a1240Wohunge in O.E. Hom. I. 279 Þat tu mihtes wið þat spatel..wasche mi sawle.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 72 Þat shalt þow knowe..by þy spatill rennand to þy mouth.c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xii, Put it in a dysshe wt þe spatell of iii. or iiii. fastynge men.1483Cath. Angl. 352/1 A Spatylle, saliua, sputum.a1529Skelton P. Sparowe 358, I..fed him with my spattyl, With his byll betwene my lippes.1555W. Watreman Fardle Facions ii. xii. 277 He mingleth earthe and his spattle toguether, and smereth the eyes, eares, and nosethrilles of the childe.1601Deacon & Walker Ans. to Darel 180 By the touch of Christs finger, and the loosing of his tongue by his spattle.1664Power Exp. Philos. i. 10 A Wood Louse..fastened to the object-plate by a little spattle.1876–in Yorks. and Som. glossaries.
βa1225Ancr. R. 288 Þauh heo bispeteð hire mid hire blake spotle.c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 362 Seint Marc with is spottle watte a luyte vrþe on þe grounde.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 193 Cristis spotel hadde greet vertue.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 195 Men þat heleþ smytynge of serpentes wiþ touche or wiþ spotel.c1440Promp. Parv. 469/2 Spyt, or spotle, sputum, screa, saliva.1460–70Bk. Quintessence ii. 19 Mortifie it wiþ fastynge spotil.1886Rochdale Gloss. 83 Spottle, matter (saliva) spit from the mouth.
II. spattle, n.2|ˈspæt(ə)l|
Also 5 spatyl, 6 -yll, 6–7 spatle (7 spatwel).
[Anglicized f. spatule. Cf. Du., G., Da., and Sw. spatel.]
1. A spatula. Now rare or Obs.
c1440Promp. Parv. 467/2 Spatyl, instrument to clense wythe soorys, pessaria.1530Palsgr. 273/2 Spatyll, an instrument.1576G. Baker tr. Gesner's Jewell of Health 194 When the same shall begynne to melte..Sturre with a spattle.1594Plat Jewell-ho. ii. 38 With a woodden spatle or spoone, beat them wel together.1605Timme Quersit. iii. 155 Stirre it continually with an yron spattle.1658A. Fox Würtz' Surg. ii. ix. 80 Unguentum Mucilaginis put into the wounded Eye with a spattle will clear the sight.1725Fam. Dict. s.v. March-Pane, Let all be afterwards well incorporated, with the Spattle.1854Pappe Silva Capensis (1862) 59 Spathulate, shaped like a spattle.
2. techn. and dial. (See quots.)
In first quot. associated with spattle v.2
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2254 Spattle,..a tool for mottling a molded article with coloring matter.1888Addy Sheffield Gloss. 231 Spattle, a wooden spoon used for lifting meal from the meal-tub to the bake-stone.1899Cumbld. Gloss. 307/2 Spattle, a peel..used for putting the loaves into the oven, and for removing them.
III. ˈspattle, n.3 dial.
[Alteration of pattle n., perh. after prec.]
A plough-spade or other small spade. Also spattle-hoe.
1824Mactaggart Gallovid. Encycl. 460 Another, perhaps, gives the sock, another the stilts, another the spattle.1834Tait's Mag. I. 528 Farmers became country gentlemen; changing..the spattle-hoe for the riding-whip.1869–94in Lanc. and Northumbld. glossaries.
IV. ˈspattle, v.1 Obs.
Also 4–5, 7 spatle, 5 spatel.
[OE. spátlian (more commonly spǽtlan, -ian), f. spátl spattle n.1]
intr. and trans. To spit. Also with out.
c1000ælfric Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 162 Pitisso, ic spatliᵹe.c1325Old Age in E.E.P. (1862) 149, I spitte, i spatle, in speche i sporne.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 8196 [The dragons] Spatled, spouted, belewed, & byten.c1450Lydg. Secrees 1416 Erthe, Autumpnus, and Age accordyn in oon, Slough, malencolye, spatlyng euere among.a1470H. Parker Dives & Pauper (W. de W. 1496) viii. xiv. 341/1, I suffered to be beten and bounde, to be spateled and despysed.1538Bale Thre Lawes 444, I can werke wyles in battle, If I do ones but spattle.1554Philpot Examin. & Writ. (Parker Soc.) 313, I would I had a fountain of spittle to spattle on them.1601Dent Pathw. Heaven (1617) 160 Would to God..that we were come to such a..loathing of lying, that we should euen spattle at it!1611Cotgr., Cracher, to spit; spawle; spattle, bespatter.Ibid., Craché, spet, or spatled out.
V. spattle, v.2 Now techn. and dial.|ˈspæt(ə)l|
Also 7 spatle.
[Related to spatter v.]
trans. To spatter or sprinkle; to mottle.
1611Cotgr., Enfanger, to spatle, beray, or durtie all ouer with myre.Ibid., Entretaché, spotted (and spatled) here and there.1875[see spattling vbl. n.2].1879–in Shropshire and Cheshire glossaries.




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