

单词 dandiprat
释义 dandiprat Obs. or arch.|ˈdændɪpræt|
Also 6 dande-, dandy-, dandipratt(e, danty-, 6–8 dandy-, 7 dantiprat, (dand-prat).
[Etymology unknown; as the sense-development is also uncertain, the senses are here arranged chronologically.]
1. Applied to a small coin, worth three half-pence, current in England in the 16th c. Obs.
c1520T. Norfolk in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. 129 I. 381 Suche a Coyne might be devised as were the dandipratts.1530Palsgr. 498/2 Coyle out the dandyprattes and Yrisshe pence.1542Recorde Gr. Artes (1575) 198 A Dandiprat, worth 3 halfe pens.1574Hellowes Gueuara's Fam. Ep. (1577) 253 If they aske an halfpenie for spice, a penie for candels, a dandiprat for an earthen pot.1605Camden Rem. (1657) 188 K. Henry the 7th stamped a small coine called dandyprats.1641Prynne Antip. 99 A poore Knave, scant worth a dandyprat.
2. A small, insignificant, or contemptible fellow; a dwarf, pygmy. Also attrib. Obs. or arch.
1556J. Heywood Spider & F. lx. 158 Yet as the giantes pawes pat downe dandipratts, So shall we put downe these dandiprat brag bratts.1606Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iv. i. (1641) 195/2 Am I a Dog, thou Dwarfe, thou Dandi⁓prat?1659Torriano, Sipithaméi, pigmeis, or dandy-prats that be but three spans long.1718Motteux Quix. (1733) I. 211, I saw a little Dandiprat riding about, who, they said, was a hugeous great Lord.1841Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) VI. 133 The dandiprats of St. Stephen's..took themselves for patricians of old Rome.
b. Said of a young lad, little boy, urchin; rarely (quot. 1638) a young girl. Obs. or arch.
1583Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 41 On father æneas his neck thee dandiprat hangeth.1638Heywood Wise Woman i. Wks. 1874 V. 284 Her name is Luce. With this Dandi⁓prat, this pretty little Apes face, is yon blunt fellow in love.1706Estcourt Fair Examp. iii. i, Boy. A Candle, Sir! 'tis broad Daylight yet. Whims. What then, you little Dandyprat?1821Scott Kenilw. xxvi, It is even so, my little dandieprat.1875Calverley Fly-Leaves, Cock & Bull, It's a thing I bought Of a bit of a chit of a boy..‘Chop’ was my snickering dandiprat's own term.




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