α. Middle English popeniaye, Middle English popingeay, Middle English popyngeay, Middle English popyniaye, Middle English popynjay, Middle English popynyay, Middle English–1500s popengay, Middle English–1500s popeniay, Middle English–1500s popyniay, Middle English–1500s popynjaye, Middle English–1600s popingay, Middle English–1600s popiniay, Middle English–1600s popyngay, Middle English– popinjay, 1500s popengaie, 1500s popenjaye, 1500s popingei, 1500s popingiaye, 1500s popingjoye, 1500s popiniae, 1500s popinioye, 1500s poppagaye, 1500s poppingaie, 1500s poppyngee, 1500s popyngaye, 1500s–1600s popingaie, 1500s–1600s popingaye, 1500s–1600s popingiay, 1500s–1600s popiniaye, 1500s–1600s popinjaye, 1500s–1600s poppiniaie, 1500s–1700s popingey, 1600s hopingay (transmission error), 1600s popengie, 1600s popingeare, 1600s popingjay, 1600s popinia, 1600s popinjaie, 1600s poppingay, 1600s poppiniay, 1600s–1800s poppinjay; N.E.D. (1907) also records a form of the ending Middle English -ȝay. 1322 in Hist. MSS Comm.: Rep. MSS Var. Coll. (1914) VII. 334 in Parl. Papers (Cd. 6722) XXVI. 1 j. vetus sella cum iij. popingayis.1393 in L. T. Smith Exped. Prussia & Holy Land Earl Derby (1894) 286 Pro j cage pro le popingay.?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 180 Of Popengayes as gret plentee as men fynden here of gees.1481 W. Caxton tr. Myrrour of Worlde ii. viii. 84 Ther ben popengayes, whiche ben grene & shynyng lyke pecoks.a1500 in T. Wright Vocabularies (1857) 164 I hyrde the fowles syng..The jaye, the popynjaye, and the nyghtyngale.a1500 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 625 Psitagus, popynyay.1541 T. Elyot Image of Gouernance iii. f. 4v With the tunges of Popingayes, nightyngales, and other sweete syngyng byrdes.1544 W. Turner Avium Præcipuarum sig. H6 Psitacus, Anglicè a popiniay.1553 R. Eden tr. S. Münster Treat. Newe India sig. Diij There bee also grene popingiays.1577 J. Frampton tr. N. Monardes Three Bookes iii. f. 94v He had eaten muche fleshe of Popingeis.1588 G. Babington Profitable Expos. Lords Prayer i. 43 The Cardinals Popiniay that could pronounce distinctlie all the Articles of the Creed.1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. ix. 349 Of the parrat or poppiniay. These parrats are commonly founde in the woods of Ethiopia.a1649 W. Drummond Wks. (1711) 156 The Artificial Notes of the learned Popingayes in the Guilt Cages.1657 J. Owen Rev. Nat. Schism in Wks. (1852) XIII. 164 An empty insignificant word like the speech of parrots and popinjays.1741 Geogr. & Hist. Descr. Principal Objects War in W.-Indies 125 The Woods are stored with Birds, as Popinjays, some as large as Ravens, and their Tails as long as the Pheasants.1794 W. Hayes Portraits Rare & Curious Birds I. 25 The Count de Buffon has discriminated..those of the new world into six families; Maccaws, Amazonians, Cricks, Popinjays, long-tailed Paroquets, and short-tailed Paroquets.1816 W. Scott Old Mortality ii, in Tales of my Landlord 1st Ser. II. 36 The figure of a bird, decked with party-coloured feathers, so as to resemble a popinjay, or parrot.1927 E. Lewis Trader Horn (1930) i. ii. 47 Kingfishers I could hardly count on both hands for variability. Gay as popinjays.1994 P. O'Brian Commodore (1996) v. 111 Look at 'em, like a parcel of popinjays.
β. Middle English papaga, Middle English papagey, Middle English papegay, Middle English papeiai, Middle English papeiay, Middle English papeiaye, Middle English papeioye, Middle English papejaes (plural), Middle English papejai, Middle English papejay, Middle English papejoy, Middle English papiay, Middle English–1500s papegai; Scottish pre-1700 papeiay, pre-1700 papeiaye, pre-1700 papeio, pre-1700 papgay, pre-1700 papioy, 1700s papagee; N.E.D. (1907) also records forms Middle English papeiaie, Middle English papeioy. a1350 in G. L. Brook Harley Lyrics (1968) 32 He is papeiai in pyn þat beteþ me my bale.c1395 G. Chaucer Merchant's Tale 2322 Syngeth ful murier than the papeiay [v.rr. papeiaye, papegay, popeniay].c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 1465 Pyes and papejayes purtrayed withinne.?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Roxb.) xxv. 117 Nyghtgales syngand, and papeiays spekand.1483 Catholicon Anglicum (BL Add. 89074) (1881) 268 A Papeiay [?c1475 BL Add. 15562 A Papeioye], psitacus.c1500 (?a1437) Kingis Quair (1939) cx Unlike the crow is to the papejay.a1525 in W. A. Craigie Asloan MS (1923) I. 158/25 The bird that is callit scitacus the pap-ioy.1653 T. Urquhart tr. F. Rabelais 1st Bk. Wks. xxiii. 107 Gargantua..shot at but-marks, at the papgay [Fr. papegay] from below upwards, or to a height.1767 Lyon in Mourning (1895) III. 217 [He] gives out that my favorite lady is for certain a papagee: that she goes frequently to mass and has two priests in her family.
γ. Middle English papengay, Middle English papenioye, Middle English papenyay, Middle English paperioyes (plural, transmission error), Middle English papiniay, Middle English papiniey, Middle English papyngay, Middle English papyniay, 1500s papingeay, 1500s papingeaye; Scottish pre-1700 papingais (plural), pre-1700 papingay, pre-1700 papyngay; N.E.D. (1907) also records forms Middle English papiniaye, Middle English papyngaye, Middle English papynjaye. 1380 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1836) I. 111 Lego..unum vestimentum..braudatum cum..papyngays. ▸ a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1872) IV. 307 Oon mette hym wiþ a papengay [L. psittacum] on his hond.c1390 G. Chaucer Shipman's Tale 1559 Hoom he gooth, murye as a papyniay [v.rr. popeniaye, papenioye].a1500 in F. J. Furnivall Polit., Relig., & Love Poems (1903) 131 The pellycan and the papynjaye.?1507 W. Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen (Rouen) in Poems (1998) I. 51 I thoght myself a papingay.1554 D. Lindsay Dialog Experience & Courteour 217 in Wks. (1931) I Lyke one stirlyng or ane papingay [rhyme day, say] Quhilk leirnit ar to speik.1593 J. Eliot Ortho-epia Gallica 44/2 Truce of thirst, league of hunger, I am no more angrie I thanke God and you. I am gay as a Papingeay, perke as a sparhawke, merrie as a butterflie.
δ. Middle English popeiay, Middle English popejay, Middle English popians (plural, transmission error), Middle English popyiay, Middle English–1500s popegay, 1500s popagay. c1390 Pistel of Swete Susan (Vernon) 75 Þer weore Pope-iayes prest, Nihtyngales vppon nest.c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xv. 173 Þe pokok and þe popeiay with here proude federes.?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 182 Manye Popegayes þat þei clepen Psitakes in hire langage.a1475 in J. O. Halliwell Early Eng. Misc. (1855) 5 The popejay, the joly laveroke Schalle singe ȝow day and nyȝt.a1500 (?a1390) J. Mirk Festial (Gough) (1905) 256 Saynt Mathew..sayde how þat..ther was..popians [read popiaiis] and bryddes euermore syngyng.a1529 J. Skelton Speke Parrot in Certayne Bks. (?1545) sig. A.vv Make moche of parrot, the popegay ryall For that pereles prynce, that parrot dyd create.
ε. Scottish pre-1700 paippingoe, pre-1700 papingaw, pre-1700 papyngo, pre-1700 pepingo, pre-1700 1800s papingoe, pre-1700 1800s– papingo, pre-1700 1900s– pappingo, 1700s popingoe, 1800s peppingo. 1559 D. Lindsay Test. Papyngo 63 in Wks. (1931) I The complaynt of ane woundit Papingo.1568 (a1500) Freiris Berwik 148 in W. T. Ritchie Bannatyne MS (1930) IV. 265 Als prowd as ony papingo.1570 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xv. 37 Ȝe plesand Paun and Papingaw Cast of ȝour blyithlyke cullour.a1583 A. Arbuthnot Praises of Women in J. Pinkerton Anc. Sc. Poems I. 142 The papingo in hew Excedis birdis all.?1590–1 J. Burel Passage of Pilgremer ii, in Poems sig. Ov The Piet and the Papingo, With the Goldspink I saw thame go.1794 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XI. 173 One is a perpendicular mark, called a popingoe..cut out in wood, fixed in the end of a pole, and placed 120 feet high, on the steeple of the monastery.a1854 P. Buchan in R. Chambers Pop. Rhymes Scotl. (1870) 42 The King sent his lady on the first Yule day, a papingo—aye.1987 W. Mongtgomerie in J. Hendry Chapman 46 15 In Mr Dawson's classroom We stude in raws like green papingoes Singin his Esperanto hymn.