Closed depressions, concavities with and without channels and deposits, were detached from these maps.
Ana Luiza Coelho Netto, André de Souza Avelar, Rogério Uagoda 2006, 'Depressões Fechadas em Relevo Cárstico-Quartzítico, Bacia do Ribeirão Santana, MédioVale do Rio Paraíba do Sul.', Anuário do Instituto de Geociências Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Increments in concavities of vertebrae were also observed, similar to humans.
Roberto Hiroshi Matsui, Julio Cezar de Melo Castilho, Luiz César de Moraes, MônicaFernandes Gomes, Kurt Faltin Júnior, Miriam Yumi Matsui 2013, 'Anatomical evaluation of the cervical vertebrae of Wistar rats by means of digitalradiographs and its correlation with the maturation stages of human cervical vertebrae',Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Together they provide a curved structure, with concavities facing upward.
Morandi, Riccardo 1964, 'Hangares para Alitalia', Informes de la Construccion Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Defects appear as smooth, shiny, round concavities on caries immune positions, or as cupping of occlusal surfaces.
Stojšin Ivana M., Blagojević Duška D. 2007, 'Etiopathogenetic consideration and definition of the clinical manifestation of erosivedental defects', Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, no regulations on the concavities and convexities about the slab surface are clearly shown in construction standards.
Yasuda Yuko, Kakuma Ko, Shiroto Yoshitaka, Matsumoto Takashi 2019, 'Measurement of RC slab surface shape and investigation of local water stagnation',MATEC Web of Conferences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We interpret alpha-shapes as being particularly sensitive to concavities in surface topology, potentially distinguishing it from other shape complexity metrics.
James D. Gardiner, Julia Behnsen, Charlotte A. Brassey 2018, 'Alpha shapes: determining 3D shape complexity across morphologically diverse structures',BMC Evolutionary Biology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Crystalline iron was responsible for concavities in the spectral region near 400 nm and 850 nm.
José Alexandre M. Demattê, José Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Antonio Roberto Formaggio 2003, 'Influência da matéria orgânica e de formas de ferro na reflectância de solos tropicaisInfluence of organic matter and iron oxides on the spectral reflectance of tropicalsoils', Bragantia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (