“What was creative was figuring out a way to increase our giving while not diminishing the current value of our endowment,” Ford Foundation president Darren Walker tells Fortune.
The Ford Foundation announces $180 million in new racial justice grants, supported by proceeds from social bonds|Ellen McGirt|October 9, 2020|Fortune
Foundations, family offices, college endowments, pension funds, and insurance companies should all, they say, wield their power to change the face of corporate America and Silicon Valley.
Institutional investors must take action on diversity in venture capital|ehinchliffe|August 31, 2020|Fortune
All we can say is that the average genetic endowment of a group of dogs bred in exactly the same way as Dax will come out to be 56% husky and 44% Pomeranian.
How to Design (or at Least Model) Mixed Dog Breeds|Pradeep Mutalik|July 31, 2020|Quanta Magazine
The vote in Maryland came as both public and private HBCUs nationwide have been struggling with uncertain federal funding, sputtering enrollment, and relatively small endowments.
A Pandemic Problem, Or Just an Excuse to Deny HBCUs More Funding?|Truthbetold|July 7, 2020|TruthBeTold.news
The fund would then disburse the money based on a formula, providing regular payments until the endowment is exhausted.
One National Compassion Fund for All of America’s Tragedies|David Freedlander|March 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
And though Harvard has a $30.7 billion endowment, “there is no endowment dedicated to providing mental health services.”
Mental-Health Breakdown: When Harvard Fails Its Students|Eliza Shapiro|March 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
She believes that with a $1.8 billion endowment behind it, the university can well afford to pay restitution for their failures.
Penn State’s Hidden Victims|Diane Dimond|July 11, 2012|DAILY BEAST
And he discussed some recent and very real troubles, as its endowment was whittled down.
Museums Are About the Art, Not Racking Up Big Numbers on Crowds and Revenue|Blake Gopnik|July 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Harvard, for instance, reported a 2011 endowment of $31.7 billion—up from $25.5 billion in 2005.