any device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or the like by opening or closing an orifice; tap; cock.
Origin of faucet
1350–1400; Middle English <Middle French fausset peg for a vent, perhaps equivalent to fauss(er) to force in, damage, warp, literally, to falsify (<Late Latin falsāre;see false) + -et-et
regional variation note for faucet
Spigot is a common variant for faucet and is widely used in the Midland U.S. Elsewhere, faucet is more commonly used, especially in the Northern U.S.
The faucet monitors your water usage and can detect leaks, too.
These pieces of kitchen gear make excellent gifts|PopSci Commerce Team|October 6, 2020|Popular Science
For a 1% annual fee based on the purchase price, Pacaso will handle all the annoying details of managing a property from afar, from paying the utilities to finding a plumber to come fix a leaky faucet.
Want a second home during COVID? These Zillow vets have invented a radically less expensive way to buy one|Lee Clifford|October 4, 2020|Fortune
Not sure whether it’s a focus thing, or simply that the Heat change defenses a lot midgame, which might turn the faucet on or off for the opponent.
The Keys To Winning The NBA Finals For The Lakers And Heat|Chris Herring (|September 30, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
All else being equal, this occasional leaky faucet of carbon would have created a slight deficit in the energy available to life in the past.
Dawn of the Heliocene - Issue 90: Something Green|Summer Praetorius|September 16, 2020|Nautilus
Sometimes you just need a hand with dishes, but don’t have the space to set up with the kitchen faucet.
Small dishwashers that fit in almost any kitchen|PopSci Commerce Team|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
The Iranian threat, of course, is real, but its immediacy gets turned on and off by the Prime Minister like a faucet.
"When Netanyahu Speaks, The World Listens"|Don Futterman|January 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
To think a rusty pipe and one faucet in my kitchen would ever be a luxury!
Across the Fruited Plain|Florence Crannell Means
Billy followed, watched his companion screw the hose to the faucet, and turn the water on.
Miss Minerva and William Green Hill|Frances Boyd Calhoun
He opened the faucet and inhaled the fragrant stream of gas.
The Literary World Seventh Reader|Various
Each mass returns to the shelf and begins another circuit of faucet, counter and table.
Europe After 8:15|H. L. Mencken, George Jean Nathan and Willard Huntington Wright
The bottle should be set in a pan of water which is constantly renewed by the small stream running from the faucet.
Mechanical Devices in the Home|Edith Louise Allen
British Dictionary definitions for faucet
/ (ˈfɔːsɪt) /
a tap fitted to a barrel
US and Canadiana valve by which a fluid flow from a pipe can be controlled by opening and closing an orificeAlso called (in Britain and certain other countries): tap
Word Origin for faucet
C14: from Old French fausset, from Provençal falset, from falsar to bore