Hungarian Horses

Hungarian Horses


a group of breeds of horses bred in Hungary—the Nonius, North Star-Furioso, Gidran, and Kisber. The group was formed in the 19th century under the influence of the demand for a war-horse; the names of the breeds come from those of the stallion forefathers. The Nonius (large and small) are saddle and draft horses; they were obtained by interbreeding the Anglo-Norman Nonius stallion with dams of several saddle breeds. The large Nonius may replace a heavy draft horse; the small Nonius was used in the cavalry and works well in harness. The North Star-Furioso are saddle horses; they came from the interbreeding of offsprings of two thoroughbred saddle stallions, Furioso and North Star. They work well under saddle and are valued highly as sporting horses. The Gidran are lightened saddle horses; they were obtained from interbreeding Arabian mares (offspring of the stallion Gidran) with thoroughbred English stallions. The Kisber are high-blooded saddle horses; they are similar in outward appearance to thoroughbred saddle horses but are more massive.

Hungarian horses have been brought into the southern regions of the USSR. In addition to Hungary, they are bred in Austria, Rumania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.


Kniga o loshadi, vol. 1. Edited by S. M. Budennyi. Moscow, 1952.
Rukovodstvo po razvedeniiu sel’ skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh, vol. 3, book 1. Moscow, 1965. [Translated from German.]