Graham, Shirley
Graham, Shirley
Born Nov. 11, 1904, in Indianapolis, Ind. American Negro writer and public figure. Daughter of a minister.
Shirley Graham is one of the editors of the progressive magazine Mainstream and a participant in the peace movement. She is the author of the fictionalized biographies Paul Robeson, Citizen of the World (1946), There Was Once a Slave: The Heroic Story of Frederick Douglass (1947; Russian translation, 1959), The Story of Phillis Wheatley (1949), and Your Most Humble Servant, about the scientist and writer B. Banneker (1949; Russian translation, 1962).
Bekker, M. Progressivnaia negritianskaia literatura SShA. Leningrad, 1957.Aptheker, H. “Benjamin Banneker.” Masses and Mainstream, 1949, vol. 2., no. 11.
Newberry, M. “A Talk With Editor of Freedomways.” The Worker,June 18, 1961.