

单词 heads


count 1

C0683700 (kount)v. count·ed, count·ing, counts v.tr.1. a. To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total; number.b. To recite numerals in ascending order up to and including: count three before firing.c. To include in a reckoning; take account of: ten dogs, counting the puppies.2. Informal a. To include by or as if by counting: Count me in.b. To exclude by or as if by counting: Count me out.3. To believe or consider to be; deem: Count yourself lucky.v.intr.1. To recite or list numbers in order or enumerate items by units or groups: counted by tens.2. a. To have importance: You really count with me.b. To have a specified importance or value: Their opinions count for little. Each basket counts for two points.3. Music To keep time by counting beats.n.1. The act of counting or calculating.2. a. A number reached by counting.b. The totality of specific items in a particular sample: a white blood cell count.3. Law Any of the separate and distinct charges or causes of action in an indictment or complaint.4. Sports The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be declared the loser.5. Baseball The number of balls and strikes that an umpire has called against a batter.Phrasal Verbs: count down To recite numerals in descending order, as during a countdown. count off To recite numbers in turn, as when dividing people or things into groups : The 24 children counted off by twos, forming a dozen pairs. count on1. To rely on; depend on: You can count on my help.2. To be confident of; anticipate: counted on getting a raise. count out To declare (a boxer) to have been knocked out by calling out the count.Idiom: count heads/noses To make a count of members, attendees, or participants.
[Middle English counten, from Old French conter, from Latin computāre, to calculate : com-, com- + putāre, to think; see pau- in Indo-European roots.]

count 2

C0683700 (kount)n.1. A nobleman in some European countries.2. Used as a title for such a nobleman.
[Middle English counte, from Old French conte, from Late Latin comes, comit-, occupant of any state office, from Latin, companion; see ei- in Indo-European roots.]


H0098000 (hĕd)n.1. a. The uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.b. The analogous part of an invertebrate organism.c. The length or height of such a part: The horse lost by a head. She is two heads taller than he is.2. The seat of the faculty of reason; intelligence, intellect, or mind: I did the figuring in my head.3. Mental ability or aptitude: She has a good head for mathematics.4. Freedom of choice or action: Give the child his head and see how well he solves the problems.5. Slang a. A habitual drug user. Often used in combination: a dopehead.b. An enthusiast. Often used in combination: a chilihead.6. A person considered foolish or contemptible. Often used in combination: a chowderhead.7. A portrait or representation of a person's head.8. often heads(used with a sing. verb) The side of a coin having the principal design, often the profile of a political leader's head.9. Informal A headache: had a bad head early this morning.10. a. An individual; a person: charged five dollars a head.b. pl. head A single animal: 20 head of cattle.11. a. A person who leads, rules, or is in charge; a leader, chief, or director: the head of the corporation.b. A headmaster or headmistress.12. The foremost or leading position: marched at the head of the parade.13. A headwaiter.14. a. The difference in depth of a liquid at two given points.b. The measure of pressure at the lower point expressed in terms of this difference.c. The pressure exerted by a liquid or gas: a head of steam.d. The liquid or gas exerting the pressure.15. The froth or foam that rises to the top in pouring an effervescent liquid, such as beer.16. The tip of an abscess, boil, or pimple, in which pus forms.17. A turning point; a crisis: bring matters to a head.18. a. A projection, weight, or fixture at the end of an elongated object: the head of a pin; a head of land overlooking the harbor.b. The working end of a tool or implement: the head of a hammer.c. The looped part at the end a lacrosse stick, to which the webbing is attached.d. The part of an explosive device that carries the explosive; a warhead.e. The part of a stringed instrument where the strings are wound; a tuning head.f. A tuning machine.19. Anatomy a. The rounded proximal end of a long bone: the head of the femur.b. The end of a muscle that is attached to the less movable part of the skeleton.20. a. An attachment to or part of a machine that holds or contains the operative device.b. The magnetic head of a tape recorder or VCR.c. The device in a magnetic disk or tape drive that enables it to read data from and write data to the disk or tape.21. A rounded compact mass, as of leaves or buds: a head of cabbage.22. Botany A flower head.23. The uppermost part; the top: Place the appropriate name at the head of each column.24. The end considered the most important: sat at the head of the table.25. Either end of an object, such as a drum, whose two ends are interchangeable.26. Nautical a. The forward part of a vessel.b. The top part or upper edge of a sail.27. A toilet, especially on a ship.28. A passage or gallery in a coal mine.29. Printing a. The top of a book or page.b. A headline or heading.c. A distinct topic or category: under the head of recent Spanish history.30. Headway; progress.31. Linguistics The word determining the grammatical category of a constituent, often establishing relations of concord or agreement (such as subject-verb agreement) with other constituents.32. Vulgar Slang Oral sex.adj.1. Of, relating to, or intended for the head. Often used in combination: headshaking; headwrap.2. Foremost in rank or importance: the head librarian.3. Placed at the top or the front: the head name on the list.4. Slang Of, relating to, or for drugs or drug users.v. head·ed, head·ing, heads v.tr.1. To be in charge of; lead: The minister headed the committee.2. To be in the first or foremost position of: Collins heads the list of job candidates.3. To aim, point, or turn in a certain direction: headed the team of horses up the hill.4. To remove the head or top of.5. Sports To hit (a soccer ball) in the air with one's head.6. To provide with a head: head each column with a number; headed the flagpole with a golden ball.v.intr.1. To proceed or go in a certain direction: head for town.2. To form a head, as lettuce or cabbage.3. To originate, as a stream or river; rise.Phrasal Verb: head off To block the progress or completion of; intercept: Try to head him off before he gets home. The town headed off the attempt to build another mall.Idioms: have a big/swelled head To be overly self-confident or conceited. head and shoulders above Far superior to: head and shoulders above her colleagues in analytical capability. head over heels1. Rolling, as in a somersault: tripped and fell head over heels.2. Completely; hopelessly: head over heels in love. keep (one's) head To remain calm; remain in control of oneself. lose (one's) head To lose one's poise or self-control. off/out of (one's) head Crazy; deranged. on (one's) head As one's responsibility or fault: If this project fails, it's on your head. over (one's) head1. Beyond one's comprehension.2. Beyond one's financial means. put heads together To consult and plan together: Let's put our heads together and solve this problem.
[Middle English, from Old English hēafod; see kaput- in Indo-European roots.]


(hɛdz) interj, adv1. with the obverse side of a coin uppermost, esp if it has a head on it: used as a call before tossing a coin. Compare tails2. the heads informal Austral people in authority



adj., adv. 1. (of a coin) with the top, or obverse, facing up. Compare tails. n. 2. head (def. 17). [1675–85]


(hed) noun1. the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body. The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.2. a person's mind. An idea came into my head last night. 頭腦 头脑3. the height or length of a head. The horse won by a head. 一頭的距離 一头的距离4. the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc). Kings and presidents are heads of state; (also adjective) a head waiter; the head office. 首腦 首脑5. anything that is like a head in shape or position. the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers. 頭狀物 头状物体6. the place where a river, lake etc begins. the head of the Nile. 源頭 源头7. the top, or the top part, of anything. Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table. 上頭 上端8. the front part. He walked at the head of the procession. 前頭 最前面部分9. a particular ability or tolerance. He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures. 才智,容忍度 才智10. a headmaster or headmistress. You'd better ask the Head. 校長 校长11. (for) one person. This dinner costs $10 a head. 個人 个人12. a headland. Beachy Head.13. the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc. 啤酒泡沫 啤酒沫 verb1. to go at the front of or at the top of (something). The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list? 在...的前頭 在...的前头2. to be in charge of; to be the leader of. He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer. 領導,率領 率领3. (often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction. The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster! (使)往特定方向前進 (向特定方向)出发 4. to put or write something at the beginning of. His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'. 加上標題 在...上加标题5. (in football) to hit the ball with the head. He headed the ball into the goal. (足球)用頭頂球 (足球)用头顶球 -headed having (a certain number or type of) head(s). a two-headed monster; a bald-headed man. 有...頭的 有…头的ˈheader noun1. a fall or dive forwards. He slipped and took a header into the mud. 倒栽蔥落下或潛入 头朝下的一跳或跌落2. (in football) the act of hitting the ball with the head. He scored with a great header. (足球)頂球 (足球)用头顶球 ˈheading noun what is written at the top of a page etc. The teacher said that essays must have a proper heading. 標題 标题heads noun, adverb (on) the side of a coin with the head of a king, president etc on it. He tossed the penny and it came down heads. (印有頭像硬幣的)正面 (印有头像硬币的)正面 ˈheadache noun1. a pain in the head. Bright lights give me a headache. 頭痛 头痛2. something worrying. Lack of money is a real headache. 使煩憂的事 使头痛的(事) ˈheadband noun a strip of material worn round the head to keep one's hair off one's face. 束髮帶,頭帶 束发带ˈhead-dress noun something, usually ornamental, which is worn on, and covers, the head. The tribesmen were wearing head-dresses of fur and feathers. 頭飾 头巾,头饰 ˌheadˈfirst adverb with one's head in front or bent forward. He fell headfirst into a pool of water. 頭往前的 头向前的ˈheadgear noun anything that is worn on the head. Hats, caps and helmets are headgear. 帽子,戴在頭上的東西 帽子ˈheadlamp noun a headlight. 前頭燈 头灯,前灯 ˈheadland noun a point of land which sticks out into the sea. ˈheadlight noun a powerful light at or on the front of a car, lorry, train, ship, aeroplane etc. As it was getting dark, the driver switched on his headlights. 前頭燈 前灯ˈheadline noun the words written in large letters at the top of newspaper articles. I never read a paper in detail – I just glance at the headlines. 報紙頭條 大字标题ˈheadlines noun plural a brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. the news headlines. 新聞頭條播報 新闻广播的摘要ˈheadlong adjective, adverb1. moving forwards or downwards, with one's head in front. a headlong dive into the pool of water; He fell headlong into a pool of water. 頭往前的/地 头向前的(地) 2. (done) without thought or delay, often foolishly. a headlong rush; He rushes headlong into disaster. 輕率的/地 轻率的(地) head louse a type of louse that infests the human head. 頭虱 头虱headˈmasterfeminine headˈmistress noun the person in charge of a school; the principal. 校長 校长ˌhead-ˈon adverb, adjective (usually of cars etc) with the front of one car etc hitting the front of another car etc. a head-on collision; The two cars crashed head-on. (汽車)正面衝撞 正面的(撞车) ˈheadphones noun plural (also ˈearphones) a pair of electronic instruments held over a person's ears, by a metal band over the head, which are connected to a radio. a set of headphones. 耳機 耳机ˌheadˈquarters noun singular or plural (often abbreviated to HQ (eitʃˈkjuː) noun) the place from which the chief officers or leaders of an organization (especially an army) direct and control the activities of that organization. During the election, his house was used as the campaign headquarters. 司令部, 總部 司令部,指挥部 ˈheadrest noun a sort of small cushion which supports a person's head, eg as fitted to a dentist's chair, a car seat. 頭墊 头靠,靠头之物 ˈheadscarf, ˈheadsquare nouns a usually square scarf worn by women over or round the head. 女人的頭巾 女人的头巾ˈheadstone noun a stone put at a grave, usually with the name of the dead person on it, the date of his birth and death etc. 墓石 墓石ˈheadstrong adjective (of people) difficult to persuade or control; always doing or wanting to do what they themselves want. a headstrong, obstinate child. 任性的,剛愎自用的 不受管束的,刚愎的 ˈheadwind noun a wind which is blowing towards one. 逆風 逆风above someone's head too difficult (for someone) to understand. His lecture was well above their heads. 深奧,難以理解 深奥,不易理解 go to someone's head1. (of alcohol) to make someone slightly drunk. Champagne always goes to my head. (酒)讓人微醺 (酒)冲上人的头脑 2. (of praise, success etc) to make someone arrogant, foolish etc. Don't let success go to your head. (讚美、成功等)讓某人沖昏頭 (赞美、成功等)冲昏某人的头脑 head off1. to make (a person, animal etc) change direction. One group of the soldiers rode across the valley to head the bandits off. 使(人、動物)掉頭轉向 拦截,使转向 2. to go in some direction. He headed off towards the river. 向某個方向走 向某个方向走head over heels1. completely. He fell head over heels in love. 完全地 完全地2. turning over completely; headfirst. He fell head over heels into a pond. 倒栽蔥 头朝下heads or tails? used when tossing a coin, eg to decide which of two people does, gets etc something. Heads or tails? Heads you do the dishes, tails I do them. (擲硬幣)正面或反面 (掷钱币时问)正面还是反面? keep one's head to remain calm and sensible in a crisis etc. 處變不驚 保持镇静lose one's head to become angry or excited, or to act foolishly in a crisis. 發怒,驚慌失措 慌乱,不知所措 make head or tail of to understand. I can't make head or tail of these instructions. 理解 理解make headway to make progress. We're not making much headway with this new scheme. 往前推進 前进,取得进展 off one's head mad. You must be off your head to work for nothing. 瘋了 失常



[hedz] (mining engineering) Material removed from the ore in the treatment plant and containing the valuable metallic constituents. The feed to a concentrating system in ore dressing.


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HEADSHome Education Activities Drugs Sexual Activity (adolescent risk assessment)
HEADSHome Entertainment and Decor Systems (North Carolina)
HEADSHelping Every Animal Downriver Society (Trenton, MI)
HEADSHourglass Educational Arts Development Services (Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England, UK)
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