


also Hos·pi·tal·ler H0288400 (hŏs′pĭt′l-ər)n.1. A member of a military religious order founded among European crusaders in 12th-century Jerusalem to care for sick and needy pilgrims.2. A member of any of several religious orders dedicated to the care of sick or needy persons.
[Middle English Hospiteler, from Old French hospitalier, from Medieval Latin hospitālārius, giver of hospitality, from hospitāle, hospice; see hospital.]


or Hos•pi•tal•ler

(ˈhɒs pɪ tl ər)

n. a member of a religious and military order originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem. [1350–1400; Middle English hospitalier < Middle French < Medieval Latin hospitālārius; see hospital, -ier2]