His bundle electrogram


 [e-lek´tro-gram] 1. any record produced by changes in electric potential.2. specifically, a cardiogram taken from the chambers of the heart or from a specific position within the chambers.His bundle electrogram an intracardiac electrogram of potentials in the lower right atrium, atrioventricular node, and His-Purkinje system, obtained by positioning intracardiac electrodes near the tricuspid valve; it is used to pinpoint the site, extent, and mechanisms of arrhythmias and conduction defects.intracardiac electrogram a record of changes in the electric potentials of specific cardiac loci as measured by electrodes placed within the heart via cardiac catheters; it is used for loci that cannot be assessed by body surface electrodes, such as the bundle of His or other regions within the cardiac conducting system.

His bun·dle e·lec·tro·gram (HBE),

(hiz), an electrogram recorded from the His bundle, either in the experimental animal or in humans during electrophysiologic cardiac catheterization.

His bun·dle e·lec·tro·gram

(HBE) (hiz bŭn'dĕl ĕ-lek'trō-gram) An electrogram recorded from the His bundle, either in the experimental animal or in humans during cardiac catheterization.


Wilhelm, Jr., German physician, 1863-1934. His band - Synonym(s): His bundleHis bundle - modified cardiac muscle fibers. Synonym(s): atrioventricular bundle; His band; Kent bundle; Kent-His bundleHis bundle electrogram - an electrogram recorded from the His bundle.His bundle heart blockHis bundle recordingHis spindle - a fusiform dilation of the aorta immediately beyond the isthmus. Synonym(s): aortic spindleHis-Tawara system - the complex system of interlacing Purkinje fibers within the ventricular myocardium.Kent-His bundle - Synonym(s): His bundle


Wilhelm, Sr., Swiss anatomist and embryologist in Germany, 1831-1904. duct of His - Synonym(s): Bochdalek ductHis copula - a median elevation in the floor of the embryonic pharynx that is incorporated in the root of the tongue. Synonym(s): hypobranchial eminenceHis line - a line dividing the face into an upper and a lower, or dental part.His perivascular space - Synonym(s): Virchow-Robin spaceHis rule - an obsolete calculation for the duration of pregnancy.isthmus of His - the anterior portion of the rhombencephalon connecting with the mesencephalon. Synonym(s): rhombencephalic isthmus