lacunar state

la·cu·nar state

the presence of lacunes in the brain. One of the major factors underlying cerebrovascular disease; high correlation with hypertension and atherosclerosis. Symptomatic forms include pure motor hemiplegia and pure hemisensory syndrome; multiple lacunar infarcts are the most common cause of pseudobulbar palsy.
A condition caused by multiple minute infarcts—lacunes—in the basal ganglia, which may be seen in severe hypertension; when numerous, lacunar strokes cause dementia or a lacunar ‘syndrome’

lacunar state

Neurology A condition characterized by multiple minute infarcts—lacunes in the basal ganglia, which may be seen in severe HTN; when numerous, LS causes dementia or a lacunar 'syndrome' Clinical Loss of recent memory, altered time-space orientation, paranoia, headache, vertigo, giddiness, convulsions; the focal nature of the infarcts explains various neurologic defects–eg, homolateral cerebellar ataxia, isolated hemiplegia, pure segmental sensory stroke and dysarthria and clumsy hand syndrome.