Occoneechee State Park

Occoneechee State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Virginia
Location:1 mile east of Clarksville on US 58, near the US 15 intersection.
Facilities:88 campsites (34 with water and electric hookups), 2 lodges, 13 cabins, showers, pit toilets, picnic area, picnic shelters, hiking trails, bike trails, bridle trails, bicycle rentals, boat rentals, boat launch, visitor center, playground.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, hiking, biking, horseback riding, hunting (with restrictions), interpretive programs.
Special Features:Trails allow visitors to experience the history of the Occoneechee Indians and plantation life in the 1800s. In 1839 a mansion with terraced gardens was built on this site. The mansion was destroyed by fire 1898, but the landscaping of the garden can still be seen in the park today.
Address:1192 Occoneechee Park Rd
Clarksville, VA 23927

Web: www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/occoneec.htm
Size: 2,698 acres.

See other parks in Virginia.