Sirotinin, Nikolai Nikolaevich

Sirotinin, Nikolai Nikolaevich


Born Nov. 14 (26), 1896, in Saratov. Soviet pathophysiologist. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1957) and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1939).

In 1924, Sirotinin graduated from the medical department of the University of Saratov. He worked under A. A. Bogomolets both at the university and at the Second Moscow State University (from 1925). He was appointed head of the subdepartment of pathophysiology at the Kazan Medical Institute in 1929. From 1934, Sirotinin headed laboratories and subdepartments of pathology and comparative physiology at institutes of experimental biology and pathology and clinical physiology and at a medical institute in Kiev.

Sirotinin’s principal works have dealt with the comparative pathology of bodily reactivity, allergies, immunity, and the infectious process. Sirotinin developed the principle of gradual acclimation in the mountains and demonstrated the possibility of using adaptation to the climate at high elevations to increase the resistance of the body to certain extreme influences.


“Allergii.” In Osnovy i dostizheniia sovremennoi meditsiny, vol. 2. Kharkov, 1934.
“Sravnitel’naia fiziologiia akklimatizatsii k vysokogornomu klimatu.” In Kislorodnaia nedostatochnost’. Kiev, 1963.
“Reaktivnost’ i rezistentnost’ organizma.” In Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po patologicheskoi fiziologii, vol. 1. Moscow, 1966.


“N. N. Sirotinin.” In Problemy reaktivnosti ν patologii. Moscow, 1968. Pages 5-10. (Sirotinin’s scientific works listed on pp. 144–50.)