torus mandibularis


 [tor´us] (L.) a swelling or bulging projection.torus mandibula´ris a prominence sometimes seen on the lingual aspect of the mandible at the base of its alveolar part.torus palati´nus a bony protuberance sometimes found on the hard palate at the junction of the intermaxillary suture and the transverse palatine suture.

man·dib·u·lar to·rus

, torus mandibularisan exostosis protruding from the lingual aspect of the mandible, usually opposite the premolar teeth.

to·rus man·di·bu·lar·is

(tōr'ŭs man-dib'yū-lā'ris) A bony protuberance on the lingual aspect of the lower jaw in the canine-premolar region.

to·rus man·di·bu·lar·is

(tōrŭs man-dibyū-lāris) Bony protuberance on lingual aspect of lower jaw in canine-premolar region.