Patrona Khalil Uprising

Patrona Khalil Uprising


an armed rising by the lower urban strata of Istanbul between Sept. 28 and Nov. 25, 1730.

The chief causes of the revolt were an increase in burdensome taxation, the arbitrary rule of the authorities, and an inflation in prices. Artisans and petty tradespeople were the main force behind the uprising. They were joined by the janissaries, who were dissatisfied with the policy of the sultan and his grand vizier in the war between Turkey and Iran that began in mid-1730. The uprising was headed by an Albanian, Khalil, who had served for a time as a seaman on the ship of Vice Admiral Patrona Bég (hence his nickname “Patrona”). The insurgents overthrew and killed the grand vizier, Ibrahim Pasha. They deposed the sultan, Ahmed III, who had reigned since 1703, and won repeal of the taxes and duties that had been imposed earlier. However, a split among the rebels permitted the new sultan, Mahmud I (ruled 1730–54), acting in concert with court circles, to organize a countercoup. Patrona Khalil was killed, and his supporters were removed from power.


Meier, M. S. “Vosstanie gorodskikh nizov Stambula v 1730.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1963, no. 4.