Acronym | Definition |
PED➣Pediatrics |
PED➣Pediatrician |
PED➣Pedestrian |
PED➣Pressure Equipment Directive (EU) |
PED➣Pedestal |
PED➣Physical Education |
PED➣Public Education Department (New Mexico) |
PED➣Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction (disorder) |
PED➣Price Elasticity of Demand (economics) |
PED➣PIN Entry Device |
PED➣Project Engineering and Design |
PED➣Potential Energy Distribution |
PED➣Production Engineering Division |
PED➣Preliminary Engineering Design |
PED➣Performance Enhancing Drug |
PED➣Program for Executive Development |
PED➣Primary Education Development (program; US Agency for International Development, Pakistan) |
PED➣Program Evaluation Division (Ofice of Policy, Planning and Evaluation) |
PED➣Program Editor Delete |
PED➣Photo Editor |
PED➣Planning Environment and Development (various locations) |
PED➣Pedorthist (healthcare footwear specialist) |
PED➣Protective Equipment Decontamination |
PED➣Precision Engineering Division |
PED➣Personal Electronic Device |
PED➣Pyroelectric Detector |
PED➣Public Education Division (various organizations) |
PED➣Project Entropia Dollar (gaming, MMORPG) |
PED➣Pre-Employment Development (Canada) |
PED➣Phase Equilibrium Diagram |
PED➣Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea |
PED➣Project Engineering Documentation |
PED➣Pôle Européen de Développement (French) |
PED➣Parole Eligibility Date (UK criminal system) |
PED➣Pigment Epithelial Detachment (age-related macular degeneration) |
PED➣Portable Entertainment Device |
PED➣Parti de l'Environnement et du Développement (French: Environment and Development Party, Morocco) |
PED➣Period End Date |
PED➣Petroleum Exploration and Development (scientific journal) |
PED➣Property/Equipment Damage |
PED➣Pre-Construction Engineering & Design (USACE) |
PED➣Path-Equivalence Detector |
PED➣Platform Encryption Device (US Army) |
PED➣Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dystonia |
PED➣Phase Error Detector |
PED➣Payload Element Developer (NASA) |
PED➣Processing, Exploitation & Dissemination |
PED➣Primary Electrical Disease |
PED➣Personal Entry Device |
PED➣Platform Equipment Deck (NASA) |
PED➣Program Element Description |
PED➣Pre-Existing Damages |
PED➣Prototype Engine Demonstration |
PED➣Platform Edge Door (London underground) |
PED➣Program Entry Device |
PED➣Procurement Early Development |
PED➣Petition Expiration Date |
PED➣Program Elements Document |
PED➣Programmable Encryption Device(s) |
PED➣TV Term Describing Pedestal Camera Mount |