Peter Karvas

Karvaš, Peter


Born Apr. 25, 1920, in Banska Bystrica. Slovak writer and playwright. Participated in the Slovak national uprising of 1944.

Karvaš studied at Charles University in Prague and the University of Bratislava. His works were first published in 1938. The drama trilogy The Meteor (1945; Russian translation, 1958), The Bastion (1948), and Return to Life (1949), as well as other works, such as the dramas Midnight Mass (1959; Russian translation, 1960) and Antigone and Others (1961), novels, and short stories, are devoted to the theme of the antifascist struggle of the Slovak people. The moral and aesthetic problems of socialist society are the center of his second trilogy—People From Our Street (1951; Russian translation, 1960), A Heart Full of Joy (1954), and Patient 113 (1955; Russian translation, 1957)—and the play The Sore (1963). Karvas also writes dramatic and philosophical pamphlets, satires, stories, and humorous sketches.


Toto pokolenie, 2nd ed. Bratislava, 1955.
Pokolenie v útoku, 2nd ed. Bratislava, 1956.
Kniha úl’tavy. Bratislava, 1970.
In Russian translation:
Chert ne dremlet: Ocherki. Fel’etony. Moscow, 1957.
Sotrudnik zagrustil. Moscow, 1960.