(games)Vadding (pronounced /vay'ding/) was also popular CMU, atleast as early as 1986. People who did it every night werecalled the "vaders," possibly after "elevator," which was oneof the things they played with, or "invader," or "DarthVader". This game was usually played along withno-holds-barred hide-and-seek. CMU grad students were theknown to pry open the inner doors of elevators between floorsto see the graffiti on the inside of the outer doors.
The most extreme and dangerous form of vadding is "elevatorrodeo", also known as "elevator surfing", a sport played bywrasslin' down a thousand-pound elevator car with a 3-footpiece of string, and then exploiting this mastery in variousstimulating ways (such as elevator hopping, shaft exploration,rat-racing, and the ever-popular drop experiments). Kids,don't try this at home!
See also hobbit.