Sovetskoe Radio
Sovetskoe Radio
(Soviet Radio), a central publishing house of the State Committee on Publishing, Printing, and the Book Trade of the USSR. The publishing house was founded in 1945 and is located in Moscow. Sovetskoe Radio publishes works on radio electronics and electronic technology and on cybernetics. Its publications include monographs, books, and handbooks for engineers and textbooks and other study aids for students of higher and specialized secondary educational institutions. The publishing house also puts out popular science books and popular books on industrial production for a wide range of readers.
In 1974, Sovetskoe Radio put out 90 book and brochure titles, amounting to 1.498 million copies and 28.773 million printer’s sheets. Sovetskoe Radio also publishes the scientific and technical journals Zarubezhnaia radioelektronika (Radio Electronics Abroad; since 1947) and Kvantovaia elektronika (Quantum Electronics; since 1971).