释义 |
riba (ˈriːbə) n (Islam) (in Islam) interest or usury, as forbidden by the Koran[C21: from Arabic al-Riba, literally: to excess or increase]
RIBA abbreviation for (Architecture) Royal Institute of British Architects
RIBARoyal Institute of British Architects.Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)Founded in 1835, the RIBA has been the authoritative organization for the profession of architecture in Britain; it qualifies candidates for admission to the Institute, recognizes a number of schools of architecture, and awards prizes for outstanding work. Address: 66 Portland Place, London, W1N 4AD.RibaenUK
RibaThe Arabic word for "excess," which is used as a byword for interest. The Quran explicitly prohibits Muslims to receive or take riba; many Muslims believe this forbids them from taking advantage of financial products based on interest. Because this removes most conventional products, Islamic finance was developed to offer an alternative, though critics contend these products still accumulate riba because they imitate "regular" finance.RIBA
Acronym | Definition |
RIBA➣Royal Institute of British Architects | RIBA➣Recombinant Immunoblot Assay | RIBA➣Ricevuta Bancaria Elettronica (Italian) | RIBA➣Rhode Island Bar Association (lawyers; Providence, RI) | RIBA➣Regional Investment Bankers Association | RIBA➣Raising International Business Awareness (EU project) | RIBA➣Regional Institution Building Advisor |