

单词 well


well 1

W0085000 (wĕl)n.1. A deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water, oil, gas, or brine.2. A container or reservoir for a liquid, such as ink.3. a. A place where water issues from the earth; a spring or fountain.b. A mineral spring.c. wells A watering place; a spa.4. An abundant source: a well of information.5. An open space extending vertically through the floors of a building, as for stairs or ventilation.6. Nautical a. An enclosure in a ship's hold for the pumps.b. A compartment or recessed area in a ship, used for stowage: an anchor well.c. A part of a ship's weather deck enclosed between two watertight bulkheads.7. A cistern with a perforated bottom in the hold of a fishing vessel for keeping fish alive.8. An enclosed space for receiving and holding something, such as the wheels of an airplane when retracted.9. Chiefly British The central space in a law court, directly in front of the judge's bench, where the counsel or solicitor sits.v. welled, well·ing, wells v.intr.1. To rise to the surface, ready to flow: Tears welled in my eyes.2. To rise or surge from an inner source: Anger welled up in me.v.tr. To pour forth.
[Middle English welle, from Old English; see wel- in Indo-European roots.]

well 2

W0085000 (wĕl)adv. bet·ter (bĕt′ər), best (bĕst) 1. In a good or proper manner: behaved well.2. Skillfully or proficiently: dances well.3. Satisfactorily or sufficiently: slept well.4. Successfully or effectively: gets along well with people.5. In a comfortable or affluent manner: lived well.6. In a manner affording benefit or gain; advantageously: married well.7. With reason or propriety; reasonably: can't very well say no.8. In all likelihood; indeed: You may well need your umbrella.9. In a prudent or sensible manner: You would do well to say nothing more.10. In a close or familiar manner: knew them well.11. In a favorable or approving manner: spoke well of them.12. Thoroughly; completely: well cooked; cooked well.13. Perfectly; clearly: I well understand your intentions.14. To a suitable or appropriate degree: This product will answer your needs equally well.15. To a considerable extent or degree: well over the estimate.16. With care or attention: listened well.17. Entirely; fully: well worth seeing.adj. better, best 1. In a satisfactory condition; right or proper: All is well.2. a. Not ailing, infirm, or diseased; healthy. See Synonyms at healthy.b. Cured or healed, as a wound.c. Of or characterized by the maintenance of good health practices. Often used in combination: a well-baby clinic; a well-child visit to the doctor.3. a. Advisable; prudent: It would be well not to ask.b. Fortunate; good: It is well that you stayed.interj.1. Used to introduce a remark, resume a narrative, or fill a pause during conversation.2. Used to express surprise.Idioms: as well1. In addition; also: mentioned other matters as well.2. With equal effect: I might as well go. in well with Informal In a position to influence or be favored by: He's in well with management.
[Middle English wel, from Old English; see wel- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: English speakers have used well both as an adjective and as an adverb since Old English times. When applied to people, the adjective well usually refers to a state of health. Like similar adjectives, such as ill and faint, well in this use is normally restricted to the predicate, as in He hasn't been well lately. Well does see occasional use before a noun, as in Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Dick eats like a well man, and drinks like a sick." It also appears in compound adjectives like well-baby and well-child, which are widely used by health-care providers. Good, on the other hand, has a much wider range of senses, including "attractive," as in He looks good, and "competent," as in She's pretty good for a beginner, as well as "healthy." See Usage Note at good.


(wɛl) adv, better or best1. (often used in combination) in a satisfactory manner: the party went very well. 2. (often used in combination) in a good, skilful, or pleasing manner: she plays the violin well. 3. in a correct or careful manner: listen well to my words. 4. in a comfortable or prosperous manner: to live well. 5. (usually used with auxiliaries) suitably; fittingly: you can't very well say that. 6. intimately: I knew him well. 7. in a kind or favourable manner: she speaks well of you. 8. to a great or considerable extent; fully: to be well informed. 9. by a considerable margin: let me know well in advance. 10. (preceded by: could, might, or may) indeed: you may well have to do it yourself. 11. informal (intensifier): well safe. 12. all very well used ironically to express discontent, dissent, etc13. as well a. in addition; toob. (preceded by: may or might) with equal effect: you might as well come. c. just as well preferable or advisable: it would be just as well if you paid me now. 14. just as well preferable or advisable: it would be just as well if you paid me now. 15. as well as in addition to16. just leave well alone just leave well enough alone to refrain from interfering with something that is satisfactory17. well and good used to indicate calm acceptance, as of a decision: if you accept my offer, well and good. 18. well up in well acquainted with (a particular subject); knowledgeable aboutadj (usually postpositive) 19. (when prenominal, usually used with a negative) in good health: I'm very well, thank you; he's not a well man. 20. satisfactory, agreeable, or pleasing21. prudent; advisable: it would be well to make no comment. 22. prosperous or comfortable23. fortunate or happy: it is well that you agreed to go. interja. an expression of surprise, indignation, or reproofb. an expression of anticipation in waiting for an answer or remarksentence connectoran expression used to preface a remark, gain time, etc: well, I don't think I will come. [Old English wel; related to Old High German wala, wola (German wohl), Old Norse val, Gothic waila]


(wɛl) n1. (Civil Engineering) a hole or shaft that is excavated, drilled, bored, or cut into the earth so as to tap a supply of water, oil, gas, etc2. (Mining & Quarrying) a hole or shaft that is excavated, drilled, bored, or cut into the earth so as to tap a supply of water, oil, gas, etc3. (Physical Geography) a natural pool where ground water comes to the surface4. a. a cavity, space, or vessel used to contain a liquidb. (in combination): an inkwell. 5. (Building) an open shaft through the floors of a building, such as one used for a staircase6. (Building) a deep enclosed space in a building or between buildings that is open to the sky to permit light and air to enter7. (Nautical Terms) a. a bulkheaded compartment built around a ship's pumps for protection and ease of accessb. another word for cockpit8. (Fishing) a perforated tank in the hold of a fishing boat for keeping caught fish alive9. (Law) (in England) the open space in the centre of a law court10. a source, esp one that provides a continuous supply: he is a well of knowledge. vbto flow or cause to flow upwards or outwards: tears welled from her eyes. [Old English wella; related to Old High German wella (German Welle wave), Old Norse vella boiling heat]



adv., adj. compar. bet•ter, superl. best, adv. 1. in a good or satisfactory manner: Our plans are going well. 2. thoroughly, carefully, or soundly: Shake well before using. 3. in a moral or proper manner: to behave well. 4. commendably, meritoriously, or excellently: a difficult task well handled. 5. with propriety, justice, or reason: I could not well refuse. 6. with favor or approval: to think well of someone. 7. comfortably or prosperously: to live well. 8. to a considerable extent or degree: a sum well over the amount agreed upon. 9. with great or intimate knowledge: to know a person well. 10. certainly; without doubt: I cry easily, as you well know. 11. with good nature; without rancor: He took the joke well. adj. 12. in good health; sound in body and mind: He is not a well man. 13. satisfactory, pleasing, or good: All is well with us. 14. proper, fitting, or gratifying: It is well that you didn't go. 15. in a satisfactory position; well-off: I am very well as I am. interj. 16. (used to express surprise, reproof, etc.): Well! There's no need to shout. 17. (used to introduce a sentence, resume a conversation, etc.): Well, it's time to go home. n. 18. well-being; good fortune; success: to wish well to someone. Idioms: 1. as well, in addition; also; too. 2. as well as, as much or as truly as; equally as: witty as well as kind. 3. leave well enough alone, to avoid changing something that is satisfactory. [before 900; Middle English, Old English wel(l) (adj. and adv.), c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon wel, Old Norse vel] well′ness, n. usage: See good.



n. 1. a hole drilled or bored into the earth to obtain water, petroleum, natural gas, brine, or sulfur. 2. a spring or natural source of water. 3. an apparent reservoir or a source of human feelings, emotions, energy, etc.: a well of compassion. 4. a container, receptacle, or reservoir for a liquid, as ink. 5. any sunken or deep enclosed space, as a shaft for air or light, stairs, or an elevator, extending vertically through the floors of a building. 6. a hollow compartment, recessed area, or depression for holding a specific item or items, as fish in the bottom of a boat or the retracted wheels of an airplane in flight. 7. Naut. a part of a weather deck between two superstructures, extending from one side of a vessel to the other. v.i. 8. to rise, spring, or gush, as water, from the earth or some other source (often fol. by up, out, or forth): Tears welled up in my eyes. v.t. 9. to send welling up or forth. adj. 10. like, of, resembling, from, or used in connection with a well. [before 900; (n.) Middle English well(e), Old English wylle, wella, c. Old High German welle wave; (v.) Middle English; Old English weallan to boil, melt, c. Old Saxon, Old High German wallan]


(wil; unstressed wɪl) contraction of we shall or we will.


 a source of supply.Examples: well of all courage, 1377; of all crafts, 1377; of gentleness, 1440; of grace, c. 1300; of mercy; of mischief, 1538; of pity, 1530; of tears, 1382; of serious thought; of wisdom, 1225.


– well1. 'good'

Something that is good is pleasant, acceptable, or satisfactory. The comparative form of good is better. The superlative form is best.

Your French is better than mine.This is the best cake I've ever eaten.
2. 'well'

Good is never an adverb. If you want to say that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent, you use well, not 'good'.

She speaks English well.I don't know him very well.See well

The comparative form of well is better. The superlative form is best.

I changed seats so I could see better.Use the method that works best for you.See better


1. used before a statement

In conversation, people sometimes say well when they are about to make a statement. Well can show that someone is hesitating or uncertain, but sometimes it has no meaning at all.

'Is that right?' – 'Well, I think so.'

In conversation, people also use well when they are correcting something they have just said.

We walked along in silence; well, not really silence, because she was humming.It took me years, well months at least, to realise that he'd lied to me.
2. used as an adverb

Well is very commonly an adverb.

You use well to say that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent.

He handled it well.The strategy has worked very well in the past.

You use well to emphasize some -ed participles when they are part of a passive construction.

You seem to be well liked at work.

When well is used with an -ed participle like this to make a compound adjective that comes before a noun, the compound usually has a hyphen.

She was seen having dinner with a well-known actor.This is a very well-established custom.

When the compound adjective comes after a verb, don't use a hyphen.

The author is well known in his native country of Scotland.Their routine of a morning walk was well established.

You also use well in front of some prepositions such as ahead of and behind.

The candidate is well ahead of his rivals in the opinion polls.The border now lay well behind them.

When well is an adverb, its comparative and superlative forms are better and best.

People are better housed than ever before.What works best is a balanced, sensible diet.
3. used as an adjective

Well is also an adjective. If you are well, you are healthy and not ill.

She looked well.'How are you?' – 'I'm very well, thank you.'

Most British speakers do not use well in front of a noun. They don't say, for example, 'He's a well man'. They say 'He's well'. However, American and Scottish speakers sometimes use well in front of a noun.

When well is an adjective, it does not have a comparative form. However, you can use better to say that the health of a sick person has improved. When better is used like this, it means 'less ill'.

He seems better today.

Better is more commonly used to say that someone has completely recovered from an illness or injury.

I hope you'll be better soon.Her cold was better.See better
4. 'as well'

You use as well when you are giving more information about something.

Fresh fruit is healthier than tinned fruit. And it tastes nicer as well.The woman laughed, and Jayah giggled as well.See also - too - as well


Past participle: welled
Gerund: welling
I well
you well
he/she/it wells
we well
you well
they well
I welled
you welled
he/she/it welled
we welled
you welled
they welled
Present Continuous
I am welling
you are welling
he/she/it is welling
we are welling
you are welling
they are welling
Present Perfect
I have welled
you have welled
he/she/it has welled
we have welled
you have welled
they have welled
Past Continuous
I was welling
you were welling
he/she/it was welling
we were welling
you were welling
they were welling
Past Perfect
I had welled
you had welled
he/she/it had welled
we had welled
you had welled
they had welled
I will well
you will well
he/she/it will well
we will well
you will well
they will well
Future Perfect
I will have welled
you will have welled
he/she/it will have welled
we will have welled
you will have welled
they will have welled
Future Continuous
I will be welling
you will be welling
he/she/it will be welling
we will be welling
you will be welling
they will be welling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been welling
you have been welling
he/she/it has been welling
we have been welling
you have been welling
they have been welling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been welling
you will have been welling
he/she/it will have been welling
we will have been welling
you will have been welling
they will have been welling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been welling
you had been welling
he/she/it had been welling
we had been welling
you had been welling
they had been welling
I would well
you would well
he/she/it would well
we would well
you would well
they would well
Past Conditional
I would have welled
you would have welled
he/she/it would have welled
we would have welled
you would have welled
they would have welled
Noun1.well - a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brinewell - a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brineartesian well - a well drilled through impermeable strata into strata that receive water from a higher altitude so there is pressure to force the water to flow upwarddriven well, tube well - a well made by driving a tube into the earth to a stratum that bears waterexcavation - a hole in the ground made by excavatinggas well - a well that yields or has yielded natural gasoil well, oiler - a well that yields or has yielded oilsump - a well or other hole in which water has collected
2.well - a cavity or vessel used to contain liquidwell - a cavity or vessel used to contain liquidinkstand, inkwell - a small well holding writing ink into which a pen can be dippedvessel - an object used as a container (especially for liquids)
3.well - an abundant source; "she was a well of information"fountainhead, wellspringsource - a document (or organization) from which information is obtained; "the reporter had two sources for the story"
4.well - an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)shaft - a vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator)stairwell - a vertical well around which there is a stairway
5.well - an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumpsbilge well - (nautical) a well where seepage drains to be pumped awaycompartment - a partitioned section, chamber, or separate room within a larger enclosed areapump well - an enclosure in the middle of a ship's hold that protects the ship's pumps
Verb1.well - come up, as of a liquidwell - come up, as of a liquid; "Tears well in her eyes"; "the currents well up"swellrise up, surface, come up, rise - come to the surface
Adj.1.well - in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury; "appears to be entirely well"; "the wound is nearly well"; "a well man"; "I think I'm well; at least I feel well"fit - physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise"healthy - having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy"ill, sick - affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; "ill from the monotony of his suffering"
2.well - resulting favorably; "it's a good thing that I wasn't there"; "it is good that you stayed"; "it is well that no one saw you"; "all's well that ends well"goodfortunate - having unexpected good fortune; "other, less fortunate, children died"; "a fortunate choice"
3.well - wise or advantageous and hence advisable; "it would be well to start early"advisable - worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first"
Adv.1.well - (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well'); "the children behaved well"; "a task well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a well-argued thesis"; "a well-seasoned dish"; "a well-planned party"; "the baby can walk pretty good"goodcombining form - a bound form used only in compounds; "`hemato-' is a combining form in words like `hematology'"ill, poorly, badly - (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well; "he was ill prepared"; "it ill befits a man to betray old friends"; "the car runs badly"; "he performed badly on the exam"; "the team played poorly"; "ill-fitting clothes"; "an ill-conceived plan"
2.well - thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form; "The problem is well understood"; "she was well informed"; "shake well before using"; "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"; "well-done beef", "well-satisfied customers"; "well-educated"
3.well - indicating high probability; in all likelihood; "I might well do it"; "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"; "you may well need your umbrella"; "he could equally well be trying to deceive us"easily
4.well - (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully; "a book well worth reading"; "was well aware of the difficulties ahead"; "suspected only too well what might be going on"intensifier, intensive - a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies; "`up' in `finished up' is an intensifier"; "`honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier"
5.well - to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree; "the project was well underway"; "the fetus has well developed organs"; "his father was well pleased with his grades"
6.well - favorably; with approval; "their neighbors spoke well of them"; "he thought well of the book"ill, badly - unfavorably or with disapproval; "tried not to speak ill of the dead"; "thought badly of him for his lack of concern"
7.well - to a great extent or degree; "I'm afraid the film was well over budget"; "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"; "the house has fallen considerably in value"; "the price went up substantially"considerably, substantially
8.well - with great or especially intimate knowledge; "we knew them well"intimately
9.well - with prudence or propriety; "You would do well to say nothing more"; "could not well refuse"
10.well - with skill or in a pleasing manner; "she dances well"; "he writes well"badly - without skill or in a displeasing manner; "she writes badly"; "I think he paints very badly"
11.well - in a manner affording benefit or advantagewell - in a manner affording benefit or advantage; "she married well"; "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"advantageouslydisadvantageously, badly - in a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantage; "the venture turned out badly for the investors"; "angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them"
12.well - in financial comfortwell - in financial comfort; "They live well"; "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"comfortably
13.well - without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor; "took the joke well"; "took the tragic news well"badly - with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display; "they took their defeat badly"; "took her father's death badly"; "conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake"


1adverb1. skilfully, expertly, adeptly, with skill, professionally, correctly, properly, effectively, efficiently, adequately, admirably, ably, conscientiously, proficiently All the team members played well.
skilfully badly, incompetently, incorrectly, ineptly, sloppily, inexpertly, ham-fistedly, unskilfully
2. satisfactorily, nicely, smoothly, successfully, capitally, pleasantly, happily, famously (informal), splendidly, agreeably, like nobody's business (informal), in a satisfactory manner I thought the interview went very well.
satisfactorily badly, wrongly, poorly, inadequately
3. thoroughly, completely, fully, carefully, effectively, efficiently, rigorously Mix all the ingredients well.4. intimately, closely, completely, deeply, fully, personally, profoundly How well do you know him?
intimately somewhat, slightly, vaguely
5. carefully, closely, minutely, fully, comprehensively, accurately, in detail, in depth, extensively, meticulously, painstakingly, rigorously, scrupulously, assiduously, intensively, from top to bottom, methodically, attentively, conscientiously, exhaustively This is obviously a man who's studied his subject well.6. favourably, highly, kindly, warmly, enthusiastically, graciously, approvingly, admiringly, with admiration, appreciatively, with praise, glowingly, with approbation He speaks very well of you.
favourably unfavourably, coldly, unkindly, disapprovingly, unsympathetically, gracelessly
7. considerably, easily, very much, significantly, substantially, markedly Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight.8. fully, highly, greatly, completely, amply, very much, thoroughly, considerably, sufficiently, substantially, heartily, abundantly I am well aware of how much she has suffered.9. possibly, probably, certainly, reasonably, conceivably, justifiably The murderer may well be someone who was close to the victim.10. decently, right, kindly, fittingly, fairly, easily, correctly, properly, readily, politely, suitably, generously, justly, in all fairness, genially, civilly, hospitably My parents always treated me well.
decently unfairly, unjustly, unsuitably
11. prosperously, comfortably, splendidly, in comfort, in (the lap of) luxury, flourishingly, without hardship We manage to live very well on our combined salaries.12. harmoniously, nicely, pleasantly, happily, politely, famously (informal), amicably, amiably, agreeably, peaceably, genially, like a house on fire (informal) Her friends all get on well together.
adjective1. healthy, strong, sound, fit, blooming, robust, hale, hearty, in good health, alive and kicking, fighting fit (informal), in fine fettle, up to par, fit as a fiddle, able-bodied, in good condition I hope you're well.
healthy poorly, ill, sick, weak, run-down, ailing, frail, feeble, sickly, unwell, below par, infirm, under-the-weather, at death's door, green about the gills, crook (Austral. & N.Z. informal)
2. satisfactory, good, right, fine, happy, fitting, pleasing, bright, useful, lucky, proper, thriving, flourishing, profitable, fortunate He was satisfied that all was well.
satisfactory wrong, unsuccessful, unsatisfactory, going badly
3. advisable, useful, proper, prudent, agreeable It would be well to check the facts before you speak out.
advisable inadvisable, unfitting, improperas well also, too, in addition, moreover, besides, to boot, into the bargain I like the job, and the people I work with are very nice as well.as well as including, along with, in addition to, not to mention, at the same time as, over and above food and other goods, as well as energy supplies such as gas and oil


2noun1. hole, bore, pit, shaft the cost of drilling an oil well2. waterhole, source, spring, pool, fountain, fount I had to fetch water from the well.3. source, fund, mine, treasury, reservoir, storehouse, repository, fount, wellspring a man with a well of experience and insightverb1. flow, trickle, seep, run, issue, spring, pour, jet, burst, stream, surge, discharge, trickle, gush, ooze, seep, exude, spurt, spout Blood welled from a gash in his thigh.2. rise, increase, grow, mount, surge, swell, intensify He could feel the anger welling inside him.

well 1

nounA point of origination:beginning, derivation, fount, fountain, fountainhead, mother, origin, parent, provenance, provenience, root, rootstock, source, spring.verbTo come forth or emit in abundance:flow, gush, pour, run, rush, stream, surge.

well 2

adverb1. To the fullest extent:absolutely, all, altogether, completely, dead, entirely, flat, fully, just, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, wholly.Informal: clean, clear.Idioms: in toto, through and through.2. To a considerable extent:considerably, far, much, quite.Idioms: by a long shot, by a wide margin, by far.adjective1. Having good health:fit, hale, healthful, healthy, hearty, right, sound, whole, wholesome.Idioms: fit as a fiddle, hale and hearty, in fine fettle.2. Worth doing, especially for practical reasons:advisable, expedient, recommendable.


(wel) noun1. a lined shaft made in the earth from which to obtain water, oil, natural gas etc. 2. the space round which a staircase winds. He fell down the stair-well. 天井 楼梯井 verb (of water from the earth or of tears) to flow freely. Tears welled up in her eyes. 湧出 涌出


(wel) comparative better (ˈbetə) : superlative best (best) adjective1. healthy. I don't feel very / at all well; She doesn't look very well; She's been ill but she's quite well now. 健康的 健康的2. in a satisfactory state or condition. All is well now. 令人滿意的狀態 令人满意的 adverb1. in a good, correct, successful, suitable etc way. He's done well to become a millionaire at thirty; She plays the piano well; Mother and baby are both doing well; How well did he do in the exam? 很好地,正確地,成功地,適合地 很好地,正确地,成功地,适合地 2. with good reason; with justice. You may well look ashamed – that was a cruel thing to do; You can't very well refuse to go. 有理由地 有理由地3. with approval or praise. He speaks well of you. 讚美地 赞扬地4. used (with eg damn, ~jolly etc) for emphasis. You can jolly well do it yourself! 用於強調 (用于加重语气)很… 5. thoroughly. Examine the car well before you buy it. 徹底地 彻底地6. to a great or considerable extent. He is well over fifty. 很多,相當多 (表示程度)很,相当 interjection1. used to express surprise etc. Well! I'd never have believed it! (表示驚訝)喔! (表示惊讶)咳!,喂! 2. used when re-starting a conversation, starting an explanation etc. Do you remember John Watson? Well, he's become a teacher. (用於重新開始對話,開始說明等) 於是… (用于重新开始说话时)喔,这个... well-1. in a good, satisfactory etc way etc, as in well-behaved. (前綴)良好的...,令人滿意的… (前綴)好的... 2. very much, as in well-known. (前綴)很,非常 (前綴)很,非常 ˌwell-beˈhaved adjective behaving correctly. well-behaved children. 有規矩的 有礼貌的ˌwell-ˈbeing noun welfare. She is always very concerned about her mother's well-being. 福祉 健康,幸福 ˌwell-ˈbred adjective (of a person) having good manners. 教養良好的 教养良好的ˌwell-ˈbuilt adjective muscular; having a strong, handsome figure. 體格健壯的 体格健壮的ˌwell-ˈdone adjective (of meat) cooked until there is no blood in it; (of food) cooked for a long time. 完全煮熟的 完全煮熟的ˌwell-ˈearned adjective thoroughly deserved. a well-earned rest. 完全應得的 应得的,正当得来的 ˌwell-ˈeducated adjective educated to a good standard. 受過良好教育的 受过良好教育的ˌwell-ˈfed adjective correctly and sufficiently fed. 營養充足的 营养充足的ˌwell-ˈgroomed adjective of smart, tidy appearance. 精心打扮的 穿着考究的ˌwell-inˈformed adjective having or showing a thorough knowledge. a well-informed person/essay. 消息靈通的 消息灵通的ˌwell-ˈknown adjective familiar or famous. a well-known TV personality. 知名的 知名的ˌwell-ˈmade adjectivea well-made table. 做工精細的 做工精细的ˌwell-ˈmannered adjective polite. 有禮貌的 有礼貌的ˌwell-ˈoff adjective1. rich. He is very well-off; a well-off young lady. 富有的 富有的2. fortunate. You do not know when you are well off. 幸運的 幸运的ˌwell-ˈread (-ˈred) adjective having read many books etc; intelligent. 博學的 博学的ˌwell-ˈspoken adjective (of a person) speaking with a pleasing voice, in a grammatically correct way etc. 談吐文雅的 谈吐文雅的,善于言词的 ˌwell-to-ˈdo adjective having enough money to live comfortably. 小康的 富有的,宽裕的 ˌwell-wisher noun a person who wishes one success etc. 祝福者 祝愿者as well in addition; too. If you will go, I'll go as well. 也,又 也,又 as well as in addition to. She works in a restaurant in the evenings as well as doing a full-time job during the day. 以及 也,又,除…之外(也) be just as well to be fortunate; to be no cause for regret. It's just as well (that) you didn't go – the meeting was cancelled. 幸運的,沒什麼可以抱怨的 幸运的be as well to to be advisable or sensible. It would be as well to go by train – the roads are flooded. 不妨 不妨very well fine, okay. Have you finished? Very well, you may go now. 好了 太好啦well done! used in congratulating a person. I hear you won the competition. Well done! 做得好 干得好well enough fairly, but not particularly, well. 還好 还好well up in knowing a great deal about. He's very well up in financial matters. 懂很多 熟悉


井zhCN, 健康的zhCN, 唔,这个,噢zhCN
  • I don't feel well (US)
    I feel ill (UK) → 我感觉病了
  • He's sick (US)
    He's not well (UK) → 他病了
  • Did you sleep well? → 您睡得好吗?


  • (all) well and good
  • (it's) just as well (that) (something happened)
  • (one) would do well to (do something)
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • (someone's) point is well taken
  • (well) I'll be a monkey's uncle
  • (well) what do you know
  • (well,) dog my cats
  • (well,) I never!
  • (Well,) I'll be blowed!
  • (Well,) I'll be darned!
  • (well,) I'll be hanged!
  • (well,) I'll be!
  • (well,) imagine that!
  • a well-oiled machine
  • alive (live) and kicking (well)
  • alive and kicking
  • alive and well
  • all being well
  • all very fine
  • all very well
  • all very well/fine but...
  • all well and good
  • All's well that ends well
  • as (something) as the next man/woman/person
  • as good, well, etc. as the next person
  • as well
  • as well as
  • augur well for
  • be (just) as well
  • be (not) well up on (something)
  • be (well) on the/(one's) way to/towards (something)
  • be alive and well
  • be all very well
  • be as well
  • be badly turned out
  • be better placed
  • be doing well
  • be ideally placed
  • be in well (with)
  • be well aware of (something)
  • be well aware of something
  • be well away
  • be well in
  • be well in (with)
  • be well off
  • be well off for (something)
  • be well off for something
  • be well out of (something)
  • be well out of something
  • be well placed
  • be well rid of
  • be well rid of (someone or something)
  • be well turned out
  • be well up on something
  • be well versed in (something)
  • be well, badly, etc. turned out
  • be well, ideally, better, etc. placed for something/to do something
  • bloody well
  • bode ill for (someone or something)
  • bode well for (someone or something)
  • bode well/ill
  • can't very well (do something)
  • can't/couldn't very well do something
  • come out well
  • could just as well
  • could/might just as well...
  • damn well
  • do well
  • do well by (one)
  • do well by doing good
  • do well by somebody
  • do well for (oneself)
  • do well for yourself
  • do well out of (someone or something)
  • do well out of somebody/something
  • do well to do something
  • Excuse me for breathing!
  • Excuse me for living!
  • fare thee well
  • full well
  • get well
  • get well soon
  • go down badly
  • go down well
  • go down well, badly, etc.
  • go to the well too often
  • go well
  • go well with
  • go well with (someone or something)
  • go with
  • hail fellow well met
  • hail-fellow-well-met
  • hale-fellow-well-met
  • hanged for a sheep (as well) as a lamb, (might) as well be
  • hanged for a sheep as a lamb, might as well be
  • have (something) well in hand
  • he lives long who lives well
  • he, it, etc. promises well
  • I hope all goes well
  • I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
  • if a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well
  • if memory serves
  • if my memory serves me well, correctly, etc.
  • If you want a thing done well, do it yourself
  • if you want a thing done well/right, do it yourself
  • if you want something done well/right, do it yourself
  • if you would be well served, serve yourself
  • in well with
  • in well with (someone)
  • it speaks well for
  • it's as well
  • jolly well
  • jolly-well
  • know full well
  • know only too well
  • know something full/perfectly/very well
  • leave well (enough) alone
  • leave well alone
  • leave well enough alone
  • leave/let well alone
  • leave/let well enough alone
  • let well alone
  • let well enough alone
  • like a well-oiled machine
  • live and well
  • may as well
  • may/might as well
  • may/might as well be hanged/hung for a sheep as a lamb
  • mean well
  • might as well
  • might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
  • might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb
  • might just as well
  • not (all) that good/bad/well/poor/etc.
  • not all that good, well, etc.
  • not sit comfortably (with one)
  • not sit well (with one)
  • oh well
  • on the way
  • only too (something)
  • only too well
  • play (one's) cards well
  • play cards right
  • play one's cards right/well, to
  • play well with others
  • point is well taken
  • pretty much/well
  • reflect on (someone something)
  • reflect well, badly, etc. on somebody/something
  • sit comfortably/easily/well
  • sit well with
  • speak well for
  • stand well with
  • stand well with (one)
  • the pitcher will go to the well once too often
  • the well has run dry
  • think a lot of
  • think well of (someone or something)
  • to a fare-thee-well
  • very well
  • wear (one's) years well
  • wear well
  • well and good
  • well and truly
  • Well begun is half done
  • well disposed to
  • well done
  • Well done!
  • well I never!
  • well in hand
  • well into
  • well met
  • well off
  • well out
  • well out of
  • well out of, be
  • well over
  • well padded
  • well preserved
  • well said
  • well said!
  • well up
  • well up in years
  • well up with
  • Well, bust my buttons!
  • well, dog my cats
  • Well, pardon me for living!
  • Well, shut my mouth!
  • Well, wash my mouth out with soap
  • well, well, (well)
  • well-fixed
  • well-healed
  • well-heeled
  • well-heeled, to be
  • well-hung
  • well-oiled
  • well's run dry, the
  • well-stacked
  • well-to-do
  • well-upholstered
  • what do you know, (well)
  • wish (one) well
  • wish somebody/something well
  • you know as well as I do
  • you may well ask
  • You never miss the water till the well runs dry



aperture in the earth's surface through which substances in a natural underground reservoir, such as water, gas, oil, salt, and sulfur, can flow or be pumped to the surface. In the United States, until some years after the Civil War, the majority of wells were "open," i.e., holes dug in the ground and lined, or cased, with brick, stone, or wood. Although they are sometimes dug with picks and shovels, most wells today are made by rotary or percussion drills. An artesian wellartesian well,
deep drilled well through which water is forced upward under pressure. The water in an artesian well flows from an aquifer, which is a layer of very porous rock or sediment, usually sandstone, capable of holding and transmitting large quantities of water.
..... Click the link for more information.
, the most desirable type of water well, is always drilled because rock layers must be cut through to reach the water. Oil wells are usually drilled using a rotary-drill method, in which a drilling bit set in the bottom of a drilling pipe is rotated by machinery on the ground level. As the cut deepens, more sections of pipe are fastened to the sections already in use. A special mixture called drilling mud is sent down through the pipe to wash away the drillings and also to cool the cutting bit. Some oil wells are drilled by a percussion method known as cable-tool drilling. In this procedure a heavy metal bit attached to a cable is alternately raised and dropped, pulverizing the rock beneath it. Water is pumped into the well and mixed with the rock cuttings, the mixture being bailed out when it becomes thick enough to interfere with the action of the bit. Regardless of the drilling method, well walls are usually cased with iron or steel to prevent cave-ins. Casing is inserted when the desired depth has been reached or, in some instances, as the well is being drilled. Minerals, such as salt and sulfur, can be pumped to the surface through a well if they are first liquefied by some process; for example, salt may be brought up if water is first pumped to the bottom of the well to dissolve the salt. In natural gas wells drilled in relatively narrow bands of shale, horizontal drilling is used in combination with hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," in which pressurized fluids are injected into the well to induce rock fractures that permit the release of greater quantities of gas.



a hydraulic-engineering structure in the form of a vertical shaft or hole. Wells are built to collect underground water for water supply and irrigation (intake wells), to replenish the supply of underground water with surface water or to collect drainage water and clarified sewage (filter wells), and to regulate the intake of water from rivers, lakes, and reservoirs (shore wells).

Intake wells, particularly for obtaining drinking water, are the most common type. A distinction is made between dug and Abyssinian wells, depending on the design and the method of construction and reinforcement of the walls. Dug wells are built for collecting water from unpressured, low-yield, shallow waterbearing strata. They are used to supply water to small settlements, livestock farms, field camps, and pastures; they are located in areas where the groundwater is suitable for drinking without purification. Dug wells most often have circular or square cross section; their diameter (or width) is usually 0.8–1.5 m, and they are up to 30–40 m deep. In the Northern Caucasus there are unique dug wells up to 100 m deep; in Turkmenia there are wells up to 300 m deep. Water enters a dug well through filters or walls made of porous concrete. The yield of most wells is 5–100 cu m per day. To increase the yield, radial horizontal drains (boreholes) up to 100 m long are made from pipe with filters.

In loose ground (sand and sandy loam), shafts are most often driven by hand and reinforced with a log frame, then plastered with cement over metal mesh, or thin reinforced-concrete slabs 50 cm high and 30–40 cm wide are laid, their reinforcement rods are joined, and the spaces between them and the wall are filled with cement (clad reinforcing). In sinking a well up to 30 m deep and 1 m in diameter in ground that does not collapse during excavation the well is dug with an excavator and then braced with reinforced-concrete rings joined by bolts or brackets. In rocky ground (limestone and marl), dug wells are not reinforced. The life of dug wells with wooden framing is 10–15 years; stone and concrete wells may last more than 25 years. Water is raised from them by various water-lifting devices.

Abyssinian wells are boreholes. They are built to bring up water from various depths, predominantly from abundant pressured and unpressured water-bearing beds. The water in such wells may rise above the water-bearing bed and even flow out onto the surface under its natural pressure (artesian wells). The depth of Abyssinian wells reaches 800 m; however, in the USSR, most of them are not deeper than 100 m. The yield is 0.5–50l/sec (sometimes higher). Abyssinian wells are significantly better than dug wells in terms of sanitary conditions. Water from them is used for centralized water supply. The walls of an Abyssinian well in unstable, friable rock are reinforced by strings of casing pipe that fit into one another. The pipe usually ends in the water-bearing bed and is capped by a filter, which may be made from porous concrete, ceramic, or gravel or of the screen, perforated, or rod type. Submersible centrifugal pumps, airlifts, and siphon intakes are used to lift water from Abyssinian wells. The life of Abyssinian wells is usually 10–15 years (sometimes up to 30 years).

Filter wells are used to drain landlocked depressions (a type of vertical drainage). By connecting a waterlogged bed to an absorbent bed by means of a filter well, excess water can be released into the absorbent bed. Filter wells are of both the dug and Abyssinian types.

A shore well is a chamber divided by a screen; water from a river or another source is delivered by pipe into the intake portion of the chamber.


Pashenkov, la. M., N. A. Karambirov, and I. P. Gribanov. Sel’skokhoziaistvennoe vodosnabzhenie, burovoe délo i nasosnye stantsii, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1957.
Ovodov, V. S. Sel’skokhoziaistvennoe vodosnabzhenie i obvodnenie, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1960.
Gavrilko, V. M. Fil’try vodozabornykh, vodoponizitel’nykh i gidrogeologicheskikh skvazhin. Moscow, 1961.


What does it mean when you dream about a well?

The depth of emotional and spiritual resources, a well in a dream often represents knowledge and nurturance, a place from which emotions “well up.” It can also symbolize good health and physical well-being.


[wel] (building construction) An open shaft in a building, extending vertically through floors to accommodate stairs or an elevator. (engineering) A hole dug into the earth to reach a supply of water, oil, brine, or gas.


An artificial excavation made to extract water, oil, gas, brine, or other fluid substance from the earth. Most wells are of the drilled type. Dug wells are almost obsolete, because of the greater speed of drilling and the greater efficiency of drilled wells.

Drilled wells, commonly 2–36 in. (5–90 cm) in diameter, usually are fitted with a steel tube or casing inserted in the drilled hole to the desired depth. Where the water-bearing formation is competent to stand without support, the casing is set, or finished, at the top of solid rock. Where there is danger of caving, as in sand or gravel, the casing is carrried below the top of the water-bearing bed, and a perforated pipe or screen extends below the casing to the bottom of the hole. The construction includes a considerable period of pumping, surging, or other treatment (called well development), during which the finer particles of the formation are drawn into the well and removed. This process substantially increases the initial yield of the well.

Most wells of large capacity are equipped with pumps of the deep-well turbine type to lift the water to the surface. When a well is pumped, the pressure head at the well is lowered and a hydraulic gradient toward the well is established which causes water to flow toward the well. This lowering of head is called drawdown. See Pumping machinery

well, wellhole

well, 1: W 1. The clear vertical space about which a stair turns; a stairwell. 2. The open vertical space between walls in which a stair or elevator is constructed. 3. Any enclosed space of small area but of considerable height, as an air shaft. well, 4.See bored well, dug well, etc.


1. a hole or shaft that is excavated, drilled, bored, or cut into the earth so as to tap a supply of water, oil, gas, etc. 2. a natural pool where ground water comes to the surface 3. a. a bulkheaded compartment built around a ship's pumps for protection and ease of access b. another word for cockpit4. a perforated tank in the hold of a fishing boat for keeping caught fish alive 5. (in England) the open space in the centre of a law court



Medtalk Not sick, not mentally disturbed, healthy



the open space in the centre of a law court.

WELL. A hole dug in the earth in order to obtain water.
2. The owner of the estate has a right to dig in his own ground, at such a distance as is permitted by law, from his neighbor's land; he is not restricted as to the size or depth, and is not liable to any action for rendering the well of his neighbor useless by so doing. Lois des Bat. part. 1, c. 3, sect. 2, art. 2, Sec. 2.



WELLWhole Earth Lectronic Link (BBS)
WELLWhole Earth Electronic Link
WELLWillits Economic Localization (California)
WELLWeb Enhanced Language Learning (UK higher education project)
WELLWorkplace English Language and Literacy Program (Australia)
WELLWorkforce Education and Lifelong Learning (project; Consortium for Workforce Education and Lifelong Learning)
WELLWerrington Enterprise Living and Learning (Werrington, New South Wales, Australia)


  • all
  • adv
  • adj
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for well

adv skilfully


  • skilfully
  • expertly
  • adeptly
  • with skill
  • professionally
  • correctly
  • properly
  • effectively
  • efficiently
  • adequately
  • admirably
  • ably
  • conscientiously
  • proficiently


  • badly
  • incompetently
  • incorrectly
  • ineptly
  • sloppily
  • inexpertly
  • ham-fistedly
  • unskilfully

adv satisfactorily


  • satisfactorily
  • nicely
  • smoothly
  • successfully
  • capitally
  • pleasantly
  • happily
  • famously
  • splendidly
  • agreeably
  • like nobody's business
  • in a satisfactory manner


  • badly
  • wrongly
  • poorly
  • inadequately

adv thoroughly


  • thoroughly
  • completely
  • fully
  • carefully
  • effectively
  • efficiently
  • rigorously

adv intimately


  • intimately
  • closely
  • completely
  • deeply
  • fully
  • personally
  • profoundly


  • somewhat
  • slightly
  • vaguely

adv carefully


  • carefully
  • closely
  • minutely
  • fully
  • comprehensively
  • accurately
  • in detail
  • in depth
  • extensively
  • meticulously
  • painstakingly
  • rigorously
  • scrupulously
  • assiduously
  • intensively
  • from top to bottom
  • methodically
  • attentively
  • conscientiously
  • exhaustively

adv favourably


  • favourably
  • highly
  • kindly
  • warmly
  • enthusiastically
  • graciously
  • approvingly
  • admiringly
  • with admiration
  • appreciatively
  • with praise
  • glowingly
  • with approbation


  • unfavourably
  • coldly
  • unkindly
  • disapprovingly
  • unsympathetically
  • gracelessly

adv considerably


  • considerably
  • easily
  • very much
  • significantly
  • substantially
  • markedly

adv fully


  • fully
  • highly
  • greatly
  • completely
  • amply
  • very much
  • thoroughly
  • considerably
  • sufficiently
  • substantially
  • heartily
  • abundantly

adv possibly


  • possibly
  • probably
  • certainly
  • reasonably
  • conceivably
  • justifiably

adv decently


  • decently
  • right
  • kindly
  • fittingly
  • fairly
  • easily
  • correctly
  • properly
  • readily
  • politely
  • suitably
  • generously
  • justly
  • in all fairness
  • genially
  • civilly
  • hospitably


  • unfairly
  • unjustly
  • unsuitably

adv prosperously


  • prosperously
  • comfortably
  • splendidly
  • in comfort
  • in (the lap of) luxury
  • flourishingly
  • without hardship

adv harmoniously


  • harmoniously
  • nicely
  • pleasantly
  • happily
  • politely
  • famously
  • amicably
  • amiably
  • agreeably
  • peaceably
  • genially
  • like a house on fire

adj healthy


  • healthy
  • strong
  • sound
  • fit
  • blooming
  • robust
  • hale
  • hearty
  • in good health
  • alive and kicking
  • fighting fit
  • in fine fettle
  • up to par
  • fit as a fiddle
  • able-bodied
  • in good condition


  • poorly
  • ill
  • sick
  • weak
  • run-down
  • ailing
  • frail
  • feeble
  • sickly
  • unwell
  • below par
  • infirm
  • under-the-weather
  • at death's door
  • green about the gills
  • crook

adj satisfactory


  • satisfactory
  • good
  • right
  • fine
  • happy
  • fitting
  • pleasing
  • bright
  • useful
  • lucky
  • proper
  • thriving
  • flourishing
  • profitable
  • fortunate


  • wrong
  • unsuccessful
  • unsatisfactory
  • going badly

adj advisable


  • advisable
  • useful
  • proper
  • prudent
  • agreeable


  • inadvisable
  • unfitting
  • improper

phrase as well


  • also
  • too
  • in addition
  • moreover
  • besides
  • to boot
  • into the bargain

phrase as well as


  • including
  • along with
  • in addition to
  • not to mention
  • at the same time as
  • over and above

noun hole


  • hole
  • bore
  • pit
  • shaft

noun waterhole


  • waterhole
  • source
  • spring
  • pool
  • fountain
  • fount

noun source


  • source
  • fund
  • mine
  • treasury
  • reservoir
  • storehouse
  • repository
  • fount
  • wellspring

verb flow


  • flow
  • trickle
  • seep
  • run
  • issue
  • spring
  • pour
  • jet
  • burst
  • stream
  • surge
  • discharge
  • gush
  • ooze
  • exude
  • spurt
  • spout

verb rise


  • rise
  • increase
  • grow
  • mount
  • surge
  • swell
  • intensify

Synonyms for well

noun a point of origination


  • beginning
  • derivation
  • fount
  • fountain
  • fountainhead
  • mother
  • origin
  • parent
  • provenance
  • provenience
  • root
  • rootstock
  • source
  • spring

verb to come forth or emit in abundance


  • flow
  • gush
  • pour
  • run
  • rush
  • stream
  • surge

adv to the fullest extent


  • absolutely
  • all
  • altogether
  • completely
  • dead
  • entirely
  • flat
  • fully
  • just
  • perfectly
  • quite
  • thoroughly
  • totally
  • utterly
  • wholly
  • clean
  • clear

adv to a considerable extent


  • considerably
  • far
  • much
  • quite

adj having good health


  • fit
  • hale
  • healthful
  • healthy
  • hearty
  • right
  • sound
  • whole
  • wholesome

adj worth doing, especially for practical reasons


  • advisable
  • expedient
  • recommendable

Synonyms for well

noun a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine

Related Words

  • artesian well
  • driven well
  • tube well
  • excavation
  • gas well
  • oil well
  • oiler
  • sump

noun a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid

Related Words

  • inkstand
  • inkwell
  • vessel

noun an abundant source


  • fountainhead
  • wellspring

Related Words

  • source

noun an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)

Related Words

  • shaft
  • stairwell

noun an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e

Related Words

  • bilge well
  • compartment
  • pump well

verb come up, as of a liquid


  • swell

Related Words

  • rise up
  • surface
  • come up
  • rise

adj in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury

Related Words

  • fit
  • healthy


  • ill
  • sick

adj resulting favorably


  • good

Related Words

  • fortunate

adj wise or advantageous and hence advisable

Related Words

  • advisable

adv (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard ('good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for 'well')


  • good

Related Words

  • combining form


  • ill
  • poorly
  • badly

adv indicating high probability


  • easily

adv (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully

Related Words

  • intensifier
  • intensive

adv favorably


  • ill
  • badly

adv to a great extent or degree


  • considerably
  • substantially

adv with great or especially intimate knowledge


  • intimately

adv with skill or in a pleasing manner


  • badly

adv in a manner affording benefit or advantage


  • advantageously


  • disadvantageously
  • badly

adv in financial comfort


  • comfortably

adv without unusual distress or resentment


  • badly




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