

 [zen″op-sil´ah] a genus of fleas, including more than 30 species, many of which transmit disease-producing microorganisms. X. cheo′pis is the rat flea, which transmits Pasteurella pestis, the causative organism of plague, and Rickettsia typhi, the causative organism of murine typhus.


(zen'op-sil'ă), In the diphthong ps, the p is silent only at the beginning of a word.The rat flea; a flea genus parasitic on the rat and involved in the transmission of bubonic plague. The species Xenopsylla cheopis serves as a potent vector of Yersinia pestis, largely because its gut becomes "blocked" by a mass of Y. pestis cells that prevents the flea from feeding normally, so that it is inclined to attack humans and other hosts; it has served as an important source of infection in epidemics, for example in India. Xenopsylla astia and Xenopsylla braziliensis are also efficient vectors of plague. It is an important source of infection in regions of the world where large numbers of people live in poverty. [xeno- + G. psylla, flea]


Rat flea A genus of fleas, family Pulicidae, which is a vector for dwarf and rat tapeworms (Xenopsylla cheopis), murine typhus–X cheopis and plague–X astia, X brasiliense, X cheopis


(zen'op-sil'ă) A genus of fleas parasitic on the rat and involved in the transmission of bubonic plague. Xenopsylla cheopis serves as a potent vector of Yersinia pestis;X. astia and X. braziliensis are also efficient vectors of plague. [xeno- + G. psylla, flea]


A genus of fleas of which the species X. cheopis , the oriental rat flea, is the VECTOR of PLAGUE and murine TYPHUS.