Zulu War of 1838–40
Zulu War of 1838–40
(in Russian, Anglo-Boer-Zulu War), a predatory war of the Boer and English colonialists against the Zulus. In the mid-1830’s, Boers from the Cape Colony streamed into the lands of the Zulu tribes who had settled the territory of Natal. In April 1838 military actions between the Boers and Zulus began, with the English colonists joining the Boers. Initially the Zulus, commanded by their supreme leader, Dingaan, pressed the aggressors. However, on Dec. 16, 1838, the Boers inflicted a defeat on the Zulus in the valley of the Inkom River. That same December, English regular troops debarked in Port Natal. They remained there until December 1839. On Mar. 23, 1839, Zulu representatives were forced to enter into an agreement with the English troop command. The agreement provided that the land south of the Tugela River passed to the Boers. The Boer state of Natal was established on this territory. In January 1840 the Boers treacherously renewed military actions and destroyed Dingaan’s army. In February 1840 the annexation of the land of Natal between the Tugela and Black Umfolozi rivers was proclaimed.