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DictionarySeeprofilebiophysical profile
profile [pro´fīl] 1. a simple outline, as of the side view of the head or face.2. a graph representing quantitatively a set of characteristics determined by tests.biophysical profile a numeric scoring system used to assess the well-being of the fetus in high-risk pregnancies, based on the nonstress test combined with sonographic evaluation of fetal breathing, fetal movements, fetal tone, amniotic fluid volume, and, sometimes, the echogenicity of the placenta.PULSES profile a tool for early assessment" >functional assessment, comprising assessment of physical condition, upper limb function, lower limb function, sensory components, excretory function, and emotional or mental status.urethral pressure profile (UPP) a record of the resistance of the urethra to fluid flow, measured as variations in pressure" >urethral pressure. A liquid or gas is pumped into the bladder with a catheter in place and the catheter is slowly withdrawn while measurements are taken of the pressure at various points in the urethra. It is usually done from the internal orifice to the external orifice in females and from the internal orifice to the sphincter urethrae muscle in males.bi·o·phys·i·cal pro·filetechnique for evaluating fetal status using fetal heart rate monitoring and ultrasound assessment of amniotic fluid volume, fetal movement, and fetal breathing motion.biophysical profile A prenatal ultrasound test performed in the latter half of pregnancy, which assesses foetal health status based on five parameters: • Heart rate; • Breathing movement; • Gross body movement; • Foetal muscle tone; and • Amniotic fluid volume. Each parameter is scored 0 to 2 for a total of 10 points, with 8+ being regarded as healthy.biophysical profile Obstetrics The measurement of 5 physical parameters in fetuses at ↑ risk for poor outcome, a non-stress test which evaluates the reactivity of the heart rate to various stresses, other parameters are measured simultaneously by dynamic ultrasound imaging: Fetal breathing movement–a non-stress test, fetal muscle tone, gross body movement, and amniotic fluid volumeAcronymsSeeBPP |