Acronym | Definition |
ALCA➣Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas |
ALCA➣Associated Landscape Contractors of America |
ALCA➣Área de Livre Comércio das Américas (Free Trade Area of the Americas) |
ALCA➣Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate (pharmaceutical) |
ALCA➣Advanced Light Combat Aircraft |
ALCA➣Alabama Counseling Association |
ALCA➣American Landscape Contractors Association |
ALCA➣Australian Lowline Cattle Association (cattle breeding) |
ALCA➣American Leather Chemists Association |
ALCA➣Association de Lutte Contre l'Ambrosia |
ALCA➣American Lock Collectors Association (Mentor, Ohio) |
ALCA➣Área del Libre Comercio para Las Américas (Spanish: Free Trade Area of the Americas) |
ALCA➣Advanced Load Control Alliance (Paragon Consulting Services, Inc.; Portland, OR) |
ALCA➣Average Linkage Clustering Algorithm |