

单词 eap



employee assistance program.



(Extensible Authentication Protocol) A protocol that acts as a framework and transport for other authentication protocols. EAP uses its own start and end messages but then carries any number of third-party messages between the client (supplicant) and access control node such as an access point in a wireless network. See PAP and CHAP.

EAP and LANs

EAP originated with the dial-up PPP protocol in order to support protocols beyond PAP and CHAP. For use on packet networks, EAP Over LAN (EAPOL) was created. EAPOL added new message types and allowed an Ethernet header to be prefixed onto EAP messages so they could be transmitted via Ethernet. Following are various EAP methods used mostly in wireless networks, but also in wired networks. See 802.1X, WPA and 802.11i.

EAP-TLS (EAP-Transport Layer Security)
Uses the handshake protocol in TLS, not its encryption method. Client and server authenticate each other using digital certificates. Client generates a pre-master secret key by encrypting a random number with the server's public key and sends it to the server. Both client and server use the pre-master to generate the same secret key.

Like EAP-TLS above except only the server has a certificate to authenticate itself to the client first. As in EAP-TLS, a secure connection (the "tunnel") is established with secret keys, but that connection is used to continue the authentication process by authenticating the client and possibly the server again using any EAP method or legacy method such as PAP and CHAP.

PEAP (Protected EAP)
Similar to EAP-TTLS above except it does not support legacy methods. It only moves EAP frames. Windows XP natively supports PEAP.

LEAP (Light EAP, Cisco LEAP)
From Cisco, first implementation of EAP and 802.1X for wireless networks. Uses preshared keys and MS-CHAP protocol to authenticate client and server to each other. Server generates and sends session key to access point. Client computes session key independently based on data received in the CHAP challenge.

(EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling)
Enhancement to LEAP from Cisco that provides an encrypted tunnel to distribute preshared keys known as "Protected Access Credential" (PAC) keys. PAC keys may be continuously refreshed to prevent dictionary attacks. EAP-FAST is defined in Cisco's Cisco Compatible Extensions (see CCX).

EAP-SIM (GSM Cellphones)
For GSM phones that switch between cellular and Wi-Fi networks, depending on which is in range. The Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) smart card in the GSM phone (see GSM) contains the secret key used for challenge/response authentication and deriving session keys for encryption.



Abbreviation for employee assistance program.


EAPExtensible Authentication Protocol (PPP)
EAPEmployee Assistance Program
EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes
EAPEducation Abroad Program (University of California student exchange program)
EAPEarly Access Program (software development)
EAPEastern Partnership (EU initiative)
EAPEast Asia and Pacific
EAPEnterprise Application Platform (software)
EAPEmployee Assistance Programme
EAPEmergency Action Plan
EAPEconomic Analysis and Policy (various organizations)
EAPEducational Administration and Policy (various organizations)
EAPEmergency Assistance Program (various locations)
EAPEnvironnement d'Apprentissage Personnel (French: Personal Learning Environment; educational software)
EAPEnseignement Agricole Public (French: Public Agricultural Education)
EAPEarly Assessment Program (various schools)
EAPEnvironmental Action Plan
EAPÉquipe d'Animation Paroissiale (French: Parish Leadership Team)
EAPEnvironment Action Programme (EU)
EAPEducation Action Plan (various organizations)
EAPElectroactive Polymer
EAPEuropean Appearance Package
EAPEthernet Adapter Panel
EAPEnterprise Access Point
EAPEarly Access Program
EAPExtensible Authentication Protocol
EAPEnterprise Architect Project
EAPÉcole d'Arts Plastiques (French: School of Visual Art)
EAPEurope Athlétisme Promotion (French: European Athletics Promotion)
EAPEdgar Allan Poe (author)
EAPExpanded Access Program (FDA)
EAPEconomically Active Population
EAPEncryption Authentication Protocol (computing)
EAPEast Asia Program (various organizations)
EAPBureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (US State Department)
EAPElite Athlete Program (University of Sydney; Australia)
EAPEarly Adopter Program
EAPEmergency Action Procedures (US DoD)
EAPEmployees by Assigned Position (various organizations)
EAPEnterprise Architecture Planning
EAPEngineers Against Poverty
EAPEvent Action Plan (various organizations)
EAPEnhanced Approval Process (Canada)
EAPEducational Assistance Payments (Canada)
EAPEmergency Assistance Project (various organizations)
EAPEnquête Annuelle de Production (French: Annual Production Survey; National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies)
EAPEducation and Allied Professions (Ohio)
EAPEscuela Agricola Panamericana (Honduras)
EAPEnvironmental Audit Program (various organizations)
EAPEuropäische Arbeiterpartei (European Workers Party)
EAPExpected A Posteriori
EAPÉditions et Applications Psychologiques (French: Publishing and Psychological Applications)
EAPEasy As Pie
EAPElectronic Authentication Partnership
EAPEuropean Association of Psychotherapy
EAPExternally Aided Projects (India)
EAPEuregional Prize for Architecture (various locations)
EAPEqualities Action Plan (UK)
EAPEstate Agency Personnel (UK)
EAPEducation Award Program (AmeriCorps)
EAPEmergency Assembly Point
EAPElvis Aron Presley
EAPEmergency Assistance Personnel (various organizations)
EAPÉlectroplastie Alain Payeur (French: Alain Payeur Electroplating)
EAPEdema Agudo de Pulmón (Spanish: Acute Pulmonary Edema)
EAPExperimental Aircraft Program
EAPEquity Acceleration Program (mortgages)
EAPExpertise en Affaires Publiques (French: Expertise in Public Affairs)
EAPEducator Astronaut Program(US NASA)
EAPEditorial Advisory Panel
EAPEmergency Action Program
EAPEmotion Auto Prestige (French automobile association)
EAPEuropean Academy of Paediatrics
EAPEnterprise Analytical Portal
EAPExperimental Activity Proposal
EAPEcoregional Action Plan
EAPEvolutionary Acquisition Phase(s)
EAPOffice of Environmental Assurance, Permits, and Policy
EAPEOSDIS Advisory Panel
EAPEnd Around Preparation
EAPEarth Awareness Program
EAPEvoked Action Potential
EAPEmployee Action Plan




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