Correctional Labor Code

Correctional Labor Code


in the USSR a systematized legislative act which, relying on the Basic Principles of the Correctional Labor Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics, defines the principles and general provisions of serving sentences under the criminal law on the territory of the Union republic, the mode and conditions of sentences, and the application of correctional labor measures to persons sentenced to deprivation of freedom, deportation, expulsion, or correctional labor without deprivation of freedom. The Correctional Labor Code also regulates the activity of institutions and bodies that carry out the sentences relevant to these kinds of punishment. In accordance with the Basic Principles of the Correctional Labor Legislation, the adoption of the Correctional Labor Code is left to the jurisdiction of the Union republics.

The Correctional Labor Code was adopted by the RSFSR in 1924 and 1933 (revised version), by the Ukranian SSR and by the Uzbek SSR in 1925 and 1935 (revised version), by the Turkmen SSR in 1928 and in 1934 (revised version), by the Azerbaijan and Georgian SSR’s in 1925, and by the Byelorussian SSR in 1926.

After the adoption in 1969 of the Basic Principles of the Correctional Labor Legislation, new correctional labor codes were adopted by all the Union republics.