African Trade Union Confederation

African Trade Union Confederation


founded in 1962 in Dakar (Senegal) as a counterpoise to the All-African Trade Union Federation. It united national trade union centers of a right-wing orientation belonging to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the World Confederation of Labor, as well as a number of autonomous trade union centers. From the moment of its inception, the African Trade Union Confederation has been supported by the national trade union centers of Tunisia, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Labor Congress of Nigeria, and right-wing trade union associations of the Malagasy Republic. On a number of occasions the leaders of the confederation have broken off negotiations aimed at the creation of a unified continental African trade-union center and initiated by the All-African Trade Union Federation. Representatives of the trade union movement in Senegal occupy leading positions in the organization. Its headquarters are in Dakar (1970).