Crede methods

Cre·dé meth·ods

(krĕ-dā'), 1. instillation of one drop of a 2% solution of silver nitrate into each eye of a newborn infant to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum; 2. resting the hand on the fundus uteri from the moment of the expulsion of the fetus, and gently rubbing in case of hemorrhage or failing contraction; then, when the afterbirth is loosened, it is expelled by firm compression or squeezing of the fundus by the hand; 3. use of manual pressure on a bladder, particularly an acontractile bladder, to express urine. Synonym(s): Credé maneuvers

Cre·dé meth·ods

(krĕ-dā' meth'ŭdz) 1. Instillation of one drop of a 2% solution of silver nitrate into each eye of a newborn infant to prevent neonatal conjunctivitis. 2. Placing physician's hand on the fundus uteri from the moment of the expulsion of the fetus, and gently rubbing in case of hemorrhage or failing contraction; then, when the afterbirth is loosened, it is expelled by firm compression or squeezing of the fundus by the hand. 3. Use of manual pressure on a bladder, particularly an acontractile bladder, to express urine.