Becker stain for spirochetes

Beck·er stain for spi·ro·chetes

(bek'er), a stain applied to thin films fixed in formaldehyde-acetic acid; preparations are treated successively with tannin, carbolic acid, and carbol fuchsin.

Becker stain for spirochetes

A rarely used histological method for identifying spirochetes, which uses tannin, carbolic acid and carbol fuchsin. Currently preferred silver stains for spirochetes include the Levaditi, Warthin-Starry, Fontana and other methods.

Beck·er stain for spi·ro·chetes

(bek'ĕr stān spī'rō-kēts) A stain applied to thin films fixed in formaldehyde-acetic acid; preparations are treated successively with tannin, carbolic acid, and carbol fuchsin.