Acronym | Definition |
CEL➣Cellular |
CEL➣Celestial |
CEL➣Contrat Éducatif Local (French: Local Educational Contract) |
CEL➣Check Engine Light |
CEL➣Compte Épargne Logement (French: Housing Savings Account) |
CEL➣Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership |
CEL➣Cutting Edge Labs (fitness) |
CEL➣Christ Evangelical Lutheran |
CEL➣Certificate in English Language (various locations) |
CEL➣Center for English Language (various locations) |
CEL➣Degrees Celsius (temperature) |
CEL➣Contrast Enhancement Layer |
CEL➣Cimfast Event Language |
CEL➣Card Enable Low Byte |
CEL➣Comparison and Evaluation Laboratory |
CEL➣Cutting Edge Length (thickness measurement) |
CEL➣Community Engaged Learning (various universities) |
CEL➣Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (El Salvador) |
CEL➣Certificate of English Law |
CEL➣Commission on Environmental Law (International Union for Conservation of Nature) |
CEL➣Cours en Ligne (French: Online Courses; education) |
CEL➣Campaign for Environmental Literacy (Manchester, MA) |
CEL➣Centre d'Étude de Langues (French: Center for the Study of Languages) |
CEL➣Centre d'Essais des Landes (French: Landes test center) |
CEL➣Center for Ecoliteracy |
CEL➣Conseil Européen pour les Langues (French: European Language Council) |
CEL➣Civil Engineering Laboratory |
CEL➣Chemical Engineering Laboratory |
CEL➣Central-Eurasia-L (mailing list; Harvard University; Cambridge, MA) |
CEL➣Center for Enriched Living (Riverwoods, IL) |
CEL➣Correlated Emission Laser |
CEL➣Chauffage par les Énergies Locales (French renewable energy company) |
CEL➣Center for Effective Leadership |
CEL➣Customer Engagement Lifecycle |
CEL➣Communications Engineering Laboratory |
CEL➣Computer Economics Limited |
CEL➣Contrast-Enhancing Layer (lithography) |
CEL➣Cost Effective Location |
CEL➣Combined Events List |
CEL➣Channel Effluent Limit |
CEL➣Carbon Equilibrium Loop |
CEL➣Cutaneous Epitheliotropic Lymphoma |
CEL➣Civilian Employment Level |
CEL➣Common Equipment List |
CEL➣Closed End Liftable (tubing) |