Auspitz sign

Auspitz sign

(ow'spitz), a finding typical of psoriasis in which removal of a scale leads to pinpoint bleeding.

Auspitz sign

Removal of a “virgin” yellow-white sharply demarcated plaque of psoriasis, which results in pinpoint haemorrhage from superficial dermal capillaries.

Au·spitz sign

(ow'spits sīn) A finding typical of psoriasis, in which removal of a scale leads to pinpoint bleeding.


Heinrich, Austrian dermatologist, 1835-1886. Auspitz dermatosis - Synonym(s): Alibert-Bazin syndromeAuspitz sign - scratching or lifting of the scale over a psoriatic papule or plaque reveals pin-point bleeding; also may be observed in actinic keratosis and seborrheic keratosis.