

单词 between



in the space separating two objects: It was hard to choose between vanilla and chocolate. [Among is used when more than two persons or things are involved. Between is used when only two persons or things are involved.]
Not to be confused with:among – in association or connection with; surrounded by: You are among friends.


B0218800 (bĭ-twēn′)prep.1. a. In or through the position or interval separating: between the trees; between 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock.b. Intermediate to, as in quantity, amount, or degree: It costs between 15 and 20 dollars.2. Connecting spatially: a railroad between the two cities.3. Associating or uniting in a reciprocal action or relationship: an agreement between workers and management; a certain resemblance between the two stories.4. In confidence restricted to: Between you and me, he is not qualified.5. a. By the combined effort or effect of: Between them they succeeded.b. In the combined ownership of: They had only a few dollars between them.6. As measured against. Often used to express a reciprocal relationship: choose between riding and walking.adv. In an intermediate space, position, or time; in the interim.Idioms: in between In an intermediate situation: My roommates disagreed and I was caught in between. in between times During an intervening period; in the meantime: has written several books and teaches in between times.
[Middle English bitwene, from Old English betwēonum; see dwo- in Indo-European roots.]
between′ness n.Usage Note: The -tween in between comes from the same Indo-European root that gave us two, twain, and duo, and the -mong of among comes from an Old English word that meant "crowd" or "throng." It is thus unsurprising that a traditional rule requires between to be used only for sentences involving two items and among for sentences involving more than two. Indeed, in sentences involving two items, no rule is needed; native English speakers spontaneously use between (as in the differences between [not among] karate and judo). But when there are more than two items, practice is mixed. Many careful writers observe a more subtle distinction, using among when the sentence refers to the entities collectively or as a mass, as in There were many outstanding players among the teams in the quarterfinal round or A thistle is growing among the roses, but preferring between when the sentence refers to relationships involving particular pairs of entities from within the group, as in We haven't yet assigned the matchups between teams in the quarterfinal round or I have sand between my toes. In such sentences, the twoness of between has not, so to speak, been lost in the crowd—the pairings within the larger group are important to the meaning of the sentence and thus influence the writer's choice of preposition.


(bɪˈtwiːn) prep1. at a point or in a region intermediate to two other points in space, times, degrees, etc2. in combination; together: between them, they saved enough money to buy a car. 3. confined or restricted to: between you and me. 4. indicating a reciprocal relation or comparison: an argument between a man and his wife. 5. indicating two or more alternatives: a choice between going now and staying all night. advbetween one specified thing and another: two houses with a garage between. [Old English betwēonum; related to Gothic tweihnai two together; see two, twain]Usage: After distribute and words with a similar meaning, among should be used rather than between: this enterprise issued shares which were distributed among its workers



prep. 1. in the space separating: between New York and Chicago. 2. intermediate to in time, quantity, or degree: between twelve and one o'clock. 3. linking; connecting: air service between cities. 4. in equal portions for each of: The couple split the profits between them. 5. among: sharing responsibilities between the five of us. 6. by the common participation of: Between us, we can finish the job. 7. in the choice or contrast of: the difference between good and bad. 8. by the combined effect of. 9. existing confidentially for: We'll keep this between ourselves. 10. involving; concerning: war between nations. adv. 11. in the intervening space or time: visits that were far between. Idioms: in between, in an intermediate place. [before 900; Middle English; Old English betwēonan=be- be- + twēonum (dat.pl.), c. Gothic tweihnai two each] be•tween′ness, n. usage: By traditional usage rules, among expresses relationship when more than two are involved and between is used for only two: to decide between tea and coffee. between, however, continues to be used, as it has been throughout its history, to express relationship of persons or things considered individually, no matter how many: Between holding public office, teaching, and raising a family, she has little free time. Between you and I, though heard occasionally in the speech of even educated persons, is usually considered incorrect. By the rules of grammar, any and all pronouns that are the object of a preposition must be in the objective case: between you and me; between her and them. The construction between each (or every) is fully standard when the sense indicates that more than one thing is meant: Marigolds peeked between each row of vegetables.


1. describing position

If something is between two things, it has one of the things on one side of it and the other thing on the other side of it.

Janice was standing between the two men.Northampton is roughly halfway between London and Birmingham.

Be Careful!
Don't say that something is 'between' several things. You say that it is among them.

See among
2. differences

You talk about a difference between two or more things or people. Don't use 'among'.

What is the difference between football and soccer?There isn't much difference between the three parties.
3. choosing

When someone makes a choice, you say that they choose between two or more things or people. Don't use 'among'.

It was difficult to choose between the two candidates.You can choose between tomato, cheese or meat sauce on your pasta.

You say that someone chooses between one thing or person and another.

She had to choose between work and her family.
Adv.1.between - in the intervalbetween - in the interval; "dancing all the dances with little rest between"betwixt2.between - in betweenbetween - in between; "two houses with a tree between"'tween


preposition1. amidst, among, mid, in the middle of, betwixt She left the table to stand between the two men.2. connecting, uniting, joining, linking the relationship between doctors and patientsRelated words
prefix inter-


(biˈtwiːn) preposition1. in, to, through or across the space dividing two people, places, times etc. between the car and the pavement; between 2 o'clock and 2.30; between meals. 在(兩者)之間 在(两者)之间 2. concerning the relationship of two things or people. the difference between right and wrong. 在...之間(用以說明兩者關係) (表示关系)在...之间,…与…之间,涉及 3. by the combined action of; working together. They managed it between them. 齊心協力(共同合作) 齐心协力(共同合作) 4. part to one (person or thing), part to (the other). Divide the chocolate between you. 分給兩人 分给两人between you and me / between ourselves in confidence. Between you and me, I think he's rather nice. 保密 只限于咱们俩之间(不得外转),我们之间的秘密
between is usually used for two.
among is usually used for more than two.


بَيْـنَarAR mezicsCS mellemdaDA zwischendeDE μεταξύelEL entreesLA välissäfiFI entrefrEU izmeđuhrHR tra, fraitIT ・・・の間にjaJA 사이에koKO tussennlNL mellomnoNO międzyplPL entreptBR междуruRU mellansvSV ระหว่างthTH arasındatrTR ở giữaviVI 在...之间zhCN


between someone

 and someone else and between something and something elseFig. [of a choice] existing between a selection of people or a selection of things. The choice is between Fred and Jill. It's between chocolate cake and cherry pie.
  • (just) between you and me
  • a fine line
  • a fine line between something
  • A hedge between keeps friendship green
  • allocate to
  • alternate between
  • apples and oranges, like comparing
  • arbitrate between
  • bad blood
  • be few and far between
  • be little love lost between (two people)
  • be no love lost between (two people)
  • be not much between the ears
  • be torn between
  • between
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • between dog and wolf
  • between hawk and buzzard
  • between hay and grass
  • between jobs
  • between life and death
  • between ourselves
  • between projects
  • between Scylla and Charybdis
  • between the devil and the deep blue sea
  • between the hammer and the anvil
  • between the jigs and the reels
  • between the pipes
  • between the sheets
  • between the sticks
  • between the/(one's) ears
  • between two fires
  • between wind and water
  • between you and me
  • between you and me and the bedpost
  • between you and me and the bedpost/gatepost/four walls/lamppost
  • between you me and the bedpost
  • between you, (and) me, and the bedpost
  • between you, (and) me, and the gatepost
  • between you, me and the bedpost
  • between you, me and the gatepost
  • between you, me, and the bedpost
  • between you, me, and the lamppost
  • between your ears
  • betwixt and between
  • caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
  • choice between (of) two evils, a
  • choose between (two people or things)
  • choose between two people or things
  • come between
  • come between (two or more people)
  • commute between (places)
  • commute between places
  • decide between
  • decide between (someone or something)
  • differentiate between
  • differentiate between (someone or something)
  • discern between (someone or something) and (someone or something)
  • discern between and
  • discriminate between
  • discriminate between (someone or something)
  • draw a line between
  • draw a line between (two things)
  • draw the line between and else Go to draw a line between
  • drive a wedge between
  • drive a wedge between (someone or something)
  • drive a wedge between A and B
  • drive a wedge between someone and someone
  • drive between
  • fall between
  • fall between (two things)
  • fall between the cracks
  • fall between two stools
  • few and far between
  • fluctuate between
  • fluctuate between (something) and (something)
  • get between
  • get the bit between (one's) teeth
  • get the bit between your teeth
  • get/take the bit between your teeth
  • go between
  • go between the bark and the tree
  • go between the moon and the milkman
  • have nothing between the/(one's) ears
  • hit (one) (right) between the eyes
  • hit between the eyes
  • hover between
  • hover between (something) and (something else)
  • in between
  • in between times
  • in-between
  • insert between
  • insert between (two things)
  • interpose (one, oneself, or something) between (someone or something)
  • interpose between people or things
  • intersperse (something) between (something)
  • intersperse between
  • intervene between
  • intervene between (multiple people)
  • judge between
  • keep it between the ditches
  • little love lost between (two people)
  • mediate between
  • migrate between (some place or sth) and (some place or sth else)
  • migrate between some place and some place else
  • no love lost between (two people)
  • no love lost between them, there's
  • not have much between the ears
  • oscillate between
  • oscillate between (two people or things)
  • ply between
  • put some distance between
  • put some distance between (someone or something)
  • put some distance between someone and someone/something
  • read between the lines
  • read between the lines, to
  • run between
  • run between (someone or something)
  • sandwich (someone or something) between (someone or something else)
  • sandwich between
  • slip between the cracks
  • somewhere between
  • split between
  • split between (two or more people or things)
  • stand between
  • stand between (someone or something) and (someone or something)
  • step between
  • step between (someone or something)
  • tail between one's legs, with one's
  • take the bit between (one's) teeth
  • take the bit between the teeth, to
  • take the bit in one's mouth
  • take the bit in teeth
  • tear between
  • tell the difference between
  • tell the difference between (someone or something)
  • there is a fine line between
  • there is bad blood between
  • there is no daylight between (two things)
  • there is no love lost between (two people)
  • there's little to choose between (two people or things)
  • there's no love lost between
  • there's no love lost between A and B
  • there's not much to choose between (two people or things)
  • there's nothing to choose between (two people or things)
  • there's nothing, not much, etc. to choose between A and B
  • torn between
  • torn between, be
  • tread a fine line between (something)
  • tread a thin line between (something)
  • vacillate between
  • vary between
  • walk a fine line between (something)
  • walk a fine line between something
  • waver between
  • wedge between people or things
  • What's (something) between friends?
  • what's... between friends?
  • with (one's) tail between (one's) legs
  • with one's tail between one's legs, (to go off with)
  • with tail between legs
  • with your tail between your legs
FinancialSeeIn betweenSee B/T
See BT Wholesale




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