Charles Bonnet syndrome

Bon·net syndrome

(bō-nā'), complex visual hallucinations without attendant psychological abnormality; more common in old people with vision problems. Synonym(s): Charles Bonnet syndrome

Charles Bonnet syndrome

An idiopathic condition characterised by complex hallucinations in otherwise normal people who have various forms of visual impairment—e.g., glaucoma, methanol poisoning, cataracts. It has been attributed to the loss of suppression of spontaneous images resulting from the lack of visual input. It was described in 1769 by the Swiss philosopher, Charles Bonnet (1720–1793).

Charles Bonnet syndrome

(sharl bo-na') [Charles Bonnet, Swiss scientist, 1720–1793] Complex visual hallucinations typically experienced by elderly people with profound visual impairment, such as the loss of central visual acuity in macular degeneration. Synonym: release hallucination; Synonym: visual release hallucination


Charles, Swiss naturalist, 1720-1795. Charles Bonnet syndrome - geriatric disorder marked by hallucinations.