

单词 inner
释义 in·ner
I. \ˈinə(r)\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English inner, inre, from Old English innera, innra, compar. of inne in — more at inmost
 a. : situated farther in
  < an inner chamber >
  < the inner bark >
 b. : near to a center especially of influence
  < the inner circles of the administration >
 c. : intramolecular — used especially of compounds
  < inner esters >
2. : of or relating to the mind or spirit or its phenomena
 < the inner life of man >
 inward, inside, interior, internal, intestine, intestinal are often interchangeable. inner may apply to something far within or near a center; consequently it may apply to something deeply intimate or inaccessible
  < an inner room >
  < no wish to write anything but a spiritual biography, and outer events only interest me here insofar as they affected my inner life — Havelock Ellis >
  < he had not chosen his course. It had sprung from a necessity of his nature, an inner logic that he scarcely questioned — Van Wyck Brooks >
  inward is close in suggestion to inner; it may apply to direction within
  < an inward curve >
  < the little houses splashed in the thousands across the countryside sheltered the men turning inward in the quest for peace of mind — Oscar Handlin >
  < that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude — William Wordsworth >
  inside, used often of space relationships, may suggest the restricted, secret, or confidential not shared by those outside
  < an inside room >
  < inside work >
  < speculating on inside information >
  < even the bare outline was sufficient to gratify the public's craving for the abnormal and the spectacular. But the inside story of the catastrophe surpassed even the wildest flights of public fancy — W.H.Wright >
  interior may contrast with exterior and stress the fact of being within
  < interior decorating >
  < not to be found in institutionalism, nor in the Scriptures, but in the interior life and spirit of man — W.R.Inge >
  < frightened by an interior quietness and by the thought that she had for once in her life stopped thinking — Elizabeth Bowen >
  internal, contrasted with external, may apply to inner activity, force, development, or effect
  < interested more in internal affairs than foreign >
  < the slavery which would be imposed upon her by her external enemies and her internal traitors — F.D.Roosevelt >
  < a more general process of internal migration that involved both regional shifts and a drift to the cities — Oscar Handlin >
  intestine and, more rarely, intestinal are occasionally used as synonyms for civil and domestic, in contrast to foreign, to describe wars and disturbances
  < the common people fused, not without considerable intestine struggle, to form an Etrusco-Latin blend — R.A.Hall b.1911 >
II. noun
: a forward line player in various team sports (as soccer and field hockey) stationed between the left or right wing and the center forward




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