

单词 irresponsible
释义 ir·responsible
I. \“+\ adjective
Etymology: in- (I) + responsible
: not responsible: as
 a. : not required to answer to some higher authority : not liable to be called into question : subject to no oversight or control
  < shall the planning be done by some irresponsible dictatorship or by democratic representatives whose acts are subject to discussion and criticism — M.R.Cohen >
  < the state is irresponsible and exempt from all ordinary controls >
 b. : not based on sound reasoned considerations
  < irresponsible optimism >
  < irresponsible dreams >
 especially : uttered without regard to truth, propriety, or fairness
  < irresponsible gossip >
  < these irresponsible charges >
  (1) : lacking a proper or adequate sense of responsibility
   < irresponsible jacks-in-office >
  (2) : mentally inadequate to bear responsibility in an acceptable or normal manner
   < the mother … was finally declared irresponsible and of too low intelligence to care for her large brood of children — Eda & Lawrence LeShan >
 d. : unprepared or unwilling to meet financial responsibilities
  < financially irresponsible drivers >
II. noun
: one who is irresponsible




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