

单词 commission
释义 com·mis·sion
I. \kəˈmishən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English commissioun, from Middle French commission, from Latin commission-, commissio act of bringing together, committing, from commissus + -ion-, -io -ion
 a. : a formal written warrant or authority granting certain powers or privileges and authorizing or commanding the performance of certain acts or duties
  < whil'st our commission from Rome is read, let silence be commanded — Shakespeare >
  < a commission jail delivery issued by the court >
  < a commission to serve as notary public >
 b. obsolete : a warrant conferring authority to raise and command a body of troops
 c. : a certificate conferring military or naval rank and authority on officers above a certain rank; also : the rank and command so conferred
 d. : a document issued to a lay worker in the Salvation Army who undertakes certain duties
 a. : an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts or duties : instruction, charge
  < the priest was a custodian of Christ's commission to his apostles. “Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them” — M.W.Baldwin >
 b. : an order to perform a particular task or carry out a work
  < provide a young painter with a profitable commission for a portrait >
 a. : authority to act for, in behalf of, or in place of another
  < had summoned all the clans which acknowledged his commission — T.B.Macaulay >
 b. : a task or matter entrusted to one as agent for another
  < executed a commission for me while he was in Singapore >
 a. : a group of persons directed to perform some duty or execute some trust : a body of commissioners
  < U.N. commission to investigate differences between the two countries >
 b. : a government agency having administrative, legislative, or judicial powers
  < regulatory powers exercised by the Federal Trade Commission >
 c. : a city council having legislative and executive functions — see commission plan
5. : the act of committing, performing, or doing (as a crime, misdeed, or other offense)
 < the commission of an illegal act >
 < the sins of omission and commission >
6. : a fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service
 < a broker receives a commission on each share of stock bought for a customer >
 < a commission of 50 cents for each car washed >
especially : a percentage of the money received in a sale or other transaction paid to the agent responsible for the business
 < a commission of 9 percent on each sale >
— see del credere
7. : the act of entrusting, committing, or giving authority
 < the commission of limited powers to the administrator >

- in commission
- on commission
- out of commission
II. transitive verb
(commissioned ; commissioned ; commissioning \-sh(ə)niŋ\ ; commissions)
1. : to give a commission to or for: as
 a. : to confer a formal commission on : furnish with a written commission
  < officers will be commissioned upon graduation >
 b. : to endow with effective right or power : authorize, empower
  < judges are not commissioned to make and unmake rules at pleasure — B.N.Cardozo >
 c. : to appoint to a certain task, mission, function, or duty
  < commissioned to make out a deed of conveyance — Havelock Ellis >
 d. : to give an order to (a person) for a work (as an art work)
  < commissioned him to paint her portrait >
  : order (as a work of art) made or performed
  < commission a painting >
2. : to put in commission (as a ship)
Synonyms: see authorize




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