

单词 surview
释义 I. surview, n.|səˈvjuː, ˈsɜː-|
Forms: 5 surveu, 5–6 -vewe, 5–7 -vew, 6 -viewe, 6– surview.
[a. AF., OF. surveu(e, f. surveer to survey; cf. view.]
1. Inspection: = survey n. 1. Obs.
1432Rolls of Parlt. IV. 406/1 Yat no Vessell of wyn pas fro the place of thair makyng,..on lesse yat it be..marked..be a knowe signe..of the saide persones yat are assigned to ye survewe and ye assay therof.1472–5[see survey v. 1].
2. Supervision; = survey n. 2. Obs.
c1421Proc. Privy Council II. 366 It be ordeinede whenne yat any souldeours deye..yat he yat shall be taken in his stede be receyved be ye survewe of ye tresourer.1431E.E. Wills (1882) 90, I woll that sir Nicholl Dixon..have the suruewe of my..Executours.
3. A view (esp. mental) of something as a whole, or in its details; the action of taking such a view; consideration, contemplation; = survey n. 3, 4.
1576Fleming tr. Caius' Dogs (1880) 42 Leauing the seruiewe of hunting and hauking dogs.1579G. Harvey Let. to Spenser S.'s Wks. (1912) 640/2 Vppon the suruiewe of them, and farther conference.1611J. Cartwright (title) The Preachers Travels... Containing a full suruew of the Kingdom of Persia.1619Sanderson Serm. (1657) I. 14 If you will please to take a second surview of the four severall particulars, wherein the Cases seemed to agree.1633Heywood Eng. Trav. iv. Wks. 1874 IV. 63 Your seruant tels me, you haue great desire To take suruiew of this my house within.1710Now or Never 13, I shall take a short Surview, and then put an End to your Lordship's trouble.1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. xviii. (1882) 172 That prospectiveness of mind, that surview, which enables a man to foresee the whole of what he is to convey.1889Browning Asolando, Reverie x, Mind, in surview of things, Now soared, anon alit, To treasure its gatherings.1903Records of Elgin (New Spalding Cl.) I. 7 To take a calm surview of the whole case.1958Medical World LXXXIX. 9 (heading) Surview of the National Health Service 1948–58.1961K. Tynan Curtains i. 118 Mr. Dallas' play, a scathing surview of the Trojan War, is acted with notable assurance.1977Times Lit. Suppl. 23 Dec. 1508/5 Dickens's imaginative achievement in creating a whole surview of the chaos that can be unleashed in a riot is masterly.
4. concr. = survey n. 1 b. Obs.
1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 191 In the auncient rentals and surviewes of the possessions of Christes Church in Canterburie.
II. surview, v.|səˈvjuː|
Forms: see prec.
[f. prec.]
1. trans. To take a general view of, to view as a whole (with the eyes or mind); = survey v. 4, 4 b; also, to command a view of, overlook; in weakened sense, to look upon, behold (cf. survey v. 4 c). Obs. or arch.
1567Drant Horace, Ep. Arte Poet. B ij, If that the matter in the mynde thou wilte before surview.Ibid. xvi. E vij, The declining sonne that doth the fieldes surview.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Feb. 145 Yt chaunced..The Husbandman selfe to come that way, Of custome for to seruewe his grownd.1590F.Q. ii. ix. 45 That Turrets frame..lifted high aboue this earthly masse, Which it survew'd.1592Greene Disput. 21, I spared no glaunces to suruiew all with a curious eye-fauour.1621G. Sandys Ovid's Met. xi. (1626) 238 All done in Heauen, Earth, Ocean, Fame suruiews.1628World Encomp. by Sir F. Drake 9 The people..gaue vs leaue..to take our pleasure in suruewing the Iland.1855Bailey Mystic 21 The dragon king, world-lifed, who saw The first, and will the last of gods surview.
2. To examine, inspect; = survey v. 1, 3.
1601R. Johnson Kingd. & Commw. (1603) 53 When these yong lads are brought to Constantinople, they are surviewed by the captaine of the Ianizars.1625in Cosin's Corr. (Surtees) i. 51 The College of Enquisitors..that must be for surviewing books.
Hence surˈviewer, a surveyor, supervisor.
1783Waldron Contn. B. Jonson's Sad Sheph. v. 106 The maid I'll wed; make Lorel o'er my flocks..Surviewer.




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