

单词 explicit
释义 I. explicit, n.|ˈɛksplɪsɪt|
a. A med.L. word, used by scribes in indicating the end of a book, or of one of the separate pieces contained in a MS. It was regarded as a vb. in 3rd pers. sing., ‘Here ends’ (such a book, piece, etc.), the form expliciunt being used as pl. It seems, however, to have been originally an abbreviation of explicitus pa. pple., in explicitus est liber, lit. ‘the book is unrolled’; cf. quot. 949. Obs.[a420Hieronymus Ep. xxviii. iv, Solemus completis opusculis..interponere Explicit aut Feliciter aut aliquid istius modi.949in Yepez Chron. Ord. S. Benedicti I. 92 (Du Cange) Explicitus est liber iste à Notario Sebastiano Diacono, notum perfectionis diem 4. Kalend. Februarii æræ 987.]c1250Gen. & Ex. (end), Explicit liber Exodus.c1374Chaucer Troylus (end), Explicit liber Troili et Criseide.c1450–60in Babees Bk. (1868) 331 Expliciunt Statuta Familie bone Memorie.1485Caxton Chas. Gt. (end), Explicit per William Caxton.15..Piers of Fullham 287 in Hazl. E.P.P. II. 12 Explysyth peers of fulham.1595G. M. Gentleman's Acad. 54 Explicit prima pars. [1663–76Bullokar, Explicite..ended or finished.1866Kingsley Herew. II. 402 Explicit.] b. An instance of the use of this indication; hence, the last words or lines of a volume or section of a book; also fig., conclusion, finis. (Cf. incipit.)
a1658Cleveland Poems, Agst. Sleep 11 Sleep..Reasons Assassine, Fancies Bail; The Senses Curfew..Joys Explicite, unfathom'd Gulf of time.1885H. A. Dobson At Sign of Lyre 45 Tired the hand and tired the wit Ere the final Explicit!1897[see incipit].1932Blunden Face of England 81 The last man..came..to provide the explicit.1963Times Lit. Suppl. 22 Feb. 143/4 Appendices listing all the explicits and incipits.
II. exˈplicit, v. Obs.
[f. L. explicit- ppl. stem of explicāre to unfold: see explicate.]
intr. Of a leaf: To unfold, open out.
1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 650 Leaves of red Roses perfectly explicited.
III. explicit, a.|ɛkˈsplɪsɪt|
Also 7 explicite.
[a. Fr. explicite, ad. L. explicit-us, pa. pple. of explicāre to unfold: see explicate.]
1. Of the brow: Free from folds or wrinkles; smooth. Of a plot: Free from intricacies; simple.
1671Milton Samson Introd., That commonly called the plot, whether intricate or explicit.1697Evelyn Numism. ix. 296 The chearful Forehead is Explicit and smooth.
2. Of knowledge, a notion, etc.: Developed in detail; hence, clear, definite. explicit faith, belief (Theol.): the acceptance of a doctrine with distinct apprehension of all that is logically involved in it; opposed to implicit faith.
1651Baxter Inf. Bapt. 119 Every man is bound to have a personall explicite Faith of his own.1656Bramhall Replic. ii. 85 The explicite beliefe of them is no necessary part of Christian communion.1690Locke Hum. Und. i. ii. (1695) 11 The Understanding hath an implicit Knowledge of these Principles, but not an explicit, before this first hearing.a1716South Serm. (J.), How impossible it is for us to have a clear and explicit notion of that which is infinite.1880Littledale Plain Reas. xxv. 73 Implicit belief in the Pope is not sufficient; that must be explicit.
3. a. Of declarations, indications, utterances: Distinctly expressing all that is meant; leaving nothing merely implied or suggested; express.
1613R. C. Table Alph. (ed. 3), Explicite, made manifest, vnfolded.1642Milton Argt. conc. Militia 26 An Oath ought to be explicite, I mean, without implications or etcetera's.1654Cromwell Sp. 12 Sept., There was an explicit consent and an implicit consent.1726De Foe Hist. Devil i. v. (1840) 66 What their [the angels'] sin was is not explicit.1769Robertson Chas. V, III. vii. 62 The Landgrave..wrote to Granvelle..begging an explicit declaration of what they had to fear or hope.1789Bentham Princ. Legisl. xi. §42 If a poor man who is ready to die with hunger steal a loaf of bread, it is a less explicit sign of depravity than [etc.].1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) II. vii. 201 Promises more explicit had been held out to him of forgiveness.
b. Of a magazine, film, etc.: sexually explicit, that describes or portrays nudity or sexual activity.
1971Hansard Lords 21 Apr. 643 There are, my expert friend said, still some prohibitions..in the cinema—including what he calls ‘explicit penetration’.1972R. Michael et al. ABZ of Pornography 39 His films are not explicit—no genitals for instance—and they are often intentionally droll and whimsical.1977Washington Post 21 Sept. b6/3 Juveniles are not mature enough to cope with the often provocative and explicit material of sex magazines.1985Times 4 Dec. 1/2 The aim..would be to prevent newsagents and other shops from selling explicit magazines or other publications.1986Daily Tel. 3 Jan. 12/4 Michael O'Connor of Marine City, Michigan, complained that the connotation of ‘explicit’ is getting lost, especially when it is linked to certains [sic] nouns, such as ‘lyrics’. ‘Will this rich and expressive word have its meaning narrowed and inextricably entwined with sex, violence and drugs?’ he asked.
4. Hence of persons, their qualities, etc.: Speaking out fully all that is meant; definite and unreserved in expression; outspoken.
1726Butler Serm. vii. 134 How explicit they are with themselves, is another Question.1756Pott Chirurg. Wks. (1790) II. 10 To express myself in as plain, explicit and intelligible manner as I am able.1770Junius Lett. xxxvi. 172 The explicit firmness and decision of a king.a1859Macaulay Biog. (1867) 180 No man who is at the head of affairs always wishes to be explicit.
5. Math. Of a function: having the dependent variable defined directly in terms of the independent variable or variables. Cf. implicit function (implicit a. 2).
1814P. Barlow New Math. & Philos. Dict. sig. X7 (recto) Having given the methods..of obtaining the derived functions, of functions of one or more quantities, whether those functions be explicit or implicit,..we will now show how this theory may be applied.1830Encycl. Metrop. (1845) I. 796 If z were expressed by an explicit function of x and y, to determine dz/dx we should consider y as a constant in that function, and then differentiate it as a function of x alone.1886J. Edwards Diff. Calc. i. 4 If the equation connecting the variables be solved for the dependent variable, that variable is reduced from being an implicit to being an explicit function of the remaining variable or variables.1955D. A. Quadling Math. Analysis xiii. 223 There is no hard and fast distinction between implicit and explicit functions. Any function defined explicitly by an equation y= f(x) could equally well be defined implicitly by the equation g(x, y)= o, where g(x, y)≡y-f(x).




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