

单词 fulminate
释义 I. fulminate, n.|ˈfʌlmɪneɪt|
[f. fulminic) + -ate.]
A compound of fulminic acid with a base, detonating by percussion, friction, or heat.
1826Henry Elem. Chem. I. 456 A class of salts, to which they have given the name of fulminates.1860Piesse Lab. Chem. Wonders 25 Fulminate is prepared with nitric acid..alcohol..and mercury.1864Watts Dict. Chem. II. 732 Fulminate of Copper is obtained in green crystals.Ibid., Fulminate of mercury, Mercuric fulminate, Fulminating Mercury.Ibid., 737 Fulminates of Zinc. The neutral salt, also called fulminating zinc, was first obtained by Liebig.
II. fulminate, v.|ˈfʌlmɪneɪt|
Pa. tense and pa. pple. 5–6 fulminat, 6–8 (pa. pple.) fulminate.
[f. L. fulmināt- ppl. stem of fulmināre to lighten, strike with lightning, f. fulmen lightning.]
I. In physical senses.
1. intr. To thunder and lighten. rare.
1610J. Davies Wits Pilgrim I iv b, With a firy Wreathe bind thou my Brow That mak'st the Muse in Flames to fulminate.1656S. Holland Zara (1719) 60 It tonitruated horribly, fulminating promiscuously from all parts of the troubled Hemisphere. [Meant for ludicrous bombast.]1742Young Nt. Th. ix. 490 Loud ætnas fulminate in love to man.
2. To issue as a thunderbolt.
1861J. G. Sheppard Fall Rome iv. 164 It was on the latter body that the bolt of Roman vengeance first fell, and it was as sudden and as terrible in its effects as if it had really fulminated from the throne of Capitolian Jove.
3. Metallurgy. Of gold: To become suddenly bright and uniform in colour. Obs.
1727P. Shaw tr. Boerhaave's Chem. (1741) I. 71 note, Till..the gold have fulminated, as the refiners call it.
4. trans. To strike with lightning. Obs. rare.
1666Sancroft Lex Ignea 40 Shall our Mountain..be fulminated, and thunder-strook.
5. To flash forth like lightning.
1630Randolph Panegyr. to Shirley's Gratef. Serv. A iij, I cannot fulminate or tonitruate words..nor make a iusiurand, that [etc.].1863Mrs. C. Clarke Shaks. Char. ii. 46 The one [Beatrice's wit] is fulminated in brilliant coruscations..the other [Rosalind's wit] shines with gentle, genial radiance.
a. trans. To cause to explode with sudden loud report (? obs.).
b. intr. To explode with a loud report, detonate, go off.
1667Henshaw in Sprat Hist. R. Soc. 275 If you fulminate it [salt-petre] in a Crucible.1799G. Smith Laboratory I. 235 The nitre and tartar will soon begin to fulminate.1853W. Gregory Inorg. Chem. (ed. 3) 255 A dark powder is formed, which fulminates violently when heated.
II. fig.[Originally a rendering of med.L. fulminare, the technical term for the formal issuing of condemnations or censures by the pope or other ecclesiastical authority; afterwards used with wider application and with reference to the literal sense.] 7. trans. To ‘thunder forth’; to utter or publish (a formal condemnation or censure) upon a person.
c1450Henryson Tale of Dog 80 The Arbiteris..The sentence gaif, and proces fulminat.1532–3Act 24 Hen. VIII, c. 12 §2 Notwithstandynge.. it should happen any Excommengement..to be fulminate, promulged, declared, or put in Execucion.1560Rolland Crt. Venus iii. 17 The mater was to be fulminat.1682News fr. France 37 The Pope sent..a Bull of Excommunication, which he required him..to fulminate in his Name against all the Assembly.1726Ayliffe Parergon 157 All Ecclesiastical Persons..to whom an Ordinary Jurisdiction is given..may fulminate these Church-Censures.1750Warburton Doctr. Grace ii. v. Wks. 1811 VIII. 339 Judgments..fulminated with the air of one who had the divine Vengeance at his disposal.1816J. Scott Vis. Paris (ed.5) Pref. 27 The maledictions he [Napoleon] fulminated against our Island.1832tr. Sismondi's Ital. Rep. xii. 272 The pope fulminated a bull against him..for having hanged an archbishop.1871G. H. Napheys Prev. & Cure Dis. i. iii. 112 Kings have fulminated their decrees against it.
8. To strike with the ‘thunderbolts’ of ecclesiastical censure; hence gen. to denounce in scathing terms, condemn vehemently.
1687Dryden Hind & P. ii. 584 For all of ancient that you had before..Was Errour fulminated o'er and o'er.1688T. Browne Reasons Bays Changing Relig. 15, I fulminated Johnsons affected Style.1760Hurd in Lett. late eminent Prelate (1809) 311, Burnet's Exposition I find was fulminate; and, had the Convocation been as busy, twenty years ago, as Dr. Atterbury would have it, I should have been in pain for the Divine Legation.1773Burke Sp. Prot. Diss. Bill Wks. X. 37, I would have the Laws rise in all their majesty of terrours, to fulminate such vain and impious wretches.1806W. Taylor in Ann. Rev. IV. 263 The catholic church..fulminates without hesitation a Julian or an Elizabeth.
9. intr. Of the pope, etc.: To issue censures or condemnations (against); gen. to ‘thunder’, inveigh violently against.
1639Fuller Holy War iii. xxx. (1647) 162 Before his time the Imperiall majesty..was never fulminated against with excommunication.1660R. Coke Power & Subj. 215 Pope Paul..after he had fulminated so dreadfully against him, proposed him for an Example to be imitated.1768Boswell Corsica ii. (ed. 2) 65 The Vatican from whence the holy father used..to fulminate with serious effect against the greatest powers in Europe.1792Bar. Munchausen's Trav. xxxiv. 159, I..seized the Speaker, who was fulminating against the Aristocrats.1849Sir J. Stephen Eccl. Biog. (1850) I. 466 Pulpits fulminated, presses groaned.1852Gladstone Glean. (1879) IV. xxii. 157 It will be the duty of the Pope himself to fulminate against them.
10. Path. Of a disease: to develop suddenly and severely. (Cf. fulminating ppl. a. 3.)
1910Practitioner June 744 A gland presumably tuberculous... Sooner or later such a gland almost always fulminates, that is to say, rapidly bursts its capsule and allows the broken-down contents to invade the surrounding lymphoid tissues.
Hence ˈfulminating vbl. n., the action of the vb.
1693W. Salmon Bates' Dispens. (1715) 537/1 You need not fear its fulminating in the drying.

Add: ˈfulminator n., one who or that which fulminates.
1899Beerbohm Around Theatres (1924) I. 52 Had Mr. Kipling been born a Frenchman..he..would..be known to us only as a fulminator against ‘perfide Albion’.1905Westm. Gaz. 10 Jun. 16/1 An electrical apparatus for the purpose of electrocuting a certain obnoxious member of the..coleoptera..is described..as an ‘Electrical Fulminator for Insects’.1983Washington Post 30 Jan. a3/2 John Lofton, the angry fulminator from the dark and conspiratorial caverns of the Far Right..has an apoplectic seizure.
III. ˈfulminate, ppl. a. Obs. rare.
[ad. L. fulmināt-us, pa. pple. of fulmināre (see fulminate v.).]
Fulminated, emitted as a thunderbolt.
1659Baxter Key Cath. xlv. 315 They [the Jesuits] were the only cause that incensed the Pope to send so many fulminate Breves to these Kingdoms.




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