

单词 recklessly
释义 recklessly, adv.|ˈrɛklɪslɪ|
Forms: see reckless a.
[f. reckless a. + -ly2.]
1. In a reckless manner:
a. Carelessly, negligently. Obs.
αc897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. C. lvii. 439 Nis us nawht recceleaslice to ᵹehiranne ðætte he nemde ða undiorestan wyrta [etc.].c1000Ags. Hom. (ed. Assmann) xiv. 121 Se þe hit þonne receleæslice..wyrceð, he bið awyrᵹed into helle.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xi. 125 He may..as a reneyed caityf recchelesly gon aboute.1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iv. xxvii. 73 Thou haste thy body rechelesly gouerned and blamest hyt for thy gylt.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) ii. ii. 111/1 People kepe not theyr vowes..but breke them retchelesly or wylfully.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Luke viii, Because he so rechelessely kept the euangelicall treasure.1612Drayton Poly-olb. x. 271 When of ages past we look in books to read, We retchlesly discharge our memory of those.
βa1300Cursor M. 28279 Quare i was scheperd had sauls to kepe, to reckelesly i geit my schepe.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 3907 Penance..done Parchaunce over reklesly and over sone.c1470Henry Wallace iv. 227 The lauboreris latt rakleslye went in.
b. Without regard to consequences, rashly.
c1400Rule St. Benet 58/367 And þai wil not þair mys amend, Bott reklisly hir rede refuse.1513Douglas æneis ix. vi. 48 Thre of his seruandis, that fast by hym lay, Full raklesly he kyllyt.1571Golding Calvin on Ps. lxxiii. 19 They rechelessly despyse all daungers as if they were out of all gonneshot.1629Earle Microcosm., Drunkard (Arb.) 82 Nothing..makes him more retchlesly carelesse, what becomes of all.1843A. Bethune Sc. Fireside Stor. 60 Mr. M‘Quiddit drank recklessly and deep.1871H. Ainsworth Tower Hill ii. iv, He had turned a deaf ear to their supplications, and hurried them recklessly to the scaffold.
2. Sc. Through carelessness; accidentally. Obs.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxii. (Laurence) 609 Rek[l]asly he let It fall, and brak quhyt in pecis smal.c1425Wyntoun Cron. ii. Prol. 11 Thre thousand ȝhere..Neyr forȝet were reklesly [by historians].c1470Henry Wallace v. 158 Thus raklesly this gud knycht [haiff] thai tynt.1552Lyndesay Monarche 1157 [To tell] quhow blynd Lameth raikleslye Did slay Cayn vnhappelye.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 148 How he was slaine..be ane of his awin gunis that brak rackleslie in hir schutting.1609Skene Reg. Maj., Crimes 159 Gif ane stranger, or traveller burnes ane other mans house rakleslie, he sall be arreisted.a1670Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1829) 92 There was a sudden fray among them occasioned by a shot racklesly let go in the same house.




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