

单词 unhappiness
释义 unˈhappiness
[un-1 12.]
1. Misfortune, mishap, ill luck.
1470–85Malory Arthur vii. vii. 221 Vnhappely he hath donne this day thorou myshappe;..and other dedes he dyde beforne ryght merueyllous and thorou vnhappynes.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xvi. (Percy Soc.) 70 Now have I tolde you all the veray trouthe Of my wofull chaunce and great unhappynesse.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. ii. iii. 17 b, Whose feete are swyfte to shedde bloude, in whose wayes ys sorrowe and vnhappynesse.1621Wither Motto, Nec Habeo C 1 b, I haue not that vnhappinesse, to be A Rich Mans Sonne.1651Hobbes Gov. & Soc. Ep. Ded., Yet the naturall right of Preservation..will not admit it to be a Vice, though it confesse it to be an Unhappinesse.a1701Maundrell Journ. Jerus. 17 March 1697, It was our unhappiness to have..a very violent storm of Thunder, and Rain.1753Cibber Lives Poets I. 18 Lamenting the unhappiness of a fluctuating language, that buries in its ruins even genius itself.1872Tennyson Gareth & Lynette 1204, I..here lie thrown by whom I know not, all thro' mere unhappiness—Device and sorcery and unhappiness.
b. Unfavourable character.
1704Collect. Voy. (Churchill) III. 659/2 The Unhappiness of the Climate.
2. Evil, wrong-doing, mischief. Obs.
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) ii. 627 Thys traytour..That doth this vnhappynes a-gayns all!1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 242 b, Manasses was as the pyt and synke of all fylth & synne and vnhappynesse.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. John vii. 57 Readye to be hiered to do all unhappinesse.1606Holland Sueton. 156 margin, Such as would play Bo-peepe and hide themselves when they had done some unhappinesse.a1625Fletcher Love's Pilgrimage ii. ii, A wild boy, That for the fruits of his unhappiness, Is faign to seek the wars.
3. The condition of being unhappy in mind.
1722Wollaston Relig. Nat. vi. (1724) 143 No doubt there is to every wrong and vitious act a suitable degree of unhappiness and punishment annext.1791Boswell Johnson an. 1758, As easy and pleasant a state of existence, as constitutional unhappiness ever permitted him to enjoy.1842A. Combe Physiol. Digestion (ed. 4) 201 Hence..too often arise indifference and unhappiness between those whom Nature has formed..to suit each other.1861Mill Utilit. ii. 10 By unhappiness is intended, pain and the privation of pleasure.1895Rosa Baughan Palmistry 27 A star on Venus means unhappiness caused by love.




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